The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything


Well, democrats won this one in Ohio at least


shoutout to all the lawbros who assured me that thomas is not only high functioning but also brilliant.

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The Strict Scrutiny podcast on these cases is (typically) excellent.

I miss 5-4 because its so fucking funny, on the other hand its probably better to listen to audiobooks then listen to how insanely, entirely fucked we are.

The best is going to be when the supreme court finds expanding the supreme court unconstitutional.

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Hey, I just argued that Thomas isnā€™t a failson.

shoutout to you too!

If we ever have control enough of congress to expand the court we could just tell them to fuck off.

The supreme court didnā€™t use to have the power they do. According to 5-4 they just made it up in the late 1800ā€™s that they can do whatever the fuck they want. Honestly if we canā€™t pack the court the next best thing would be to neuter the fuck out of it.

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Well, he clearly isnā€™t one of those.

i have no reason to disagree.

They made it up in Marbury v Madison

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The only ā€œlaw brosā€ I know who have anything positive to say about Thomas are Cory Robin and people paid to practice before the court. It is widely know in the legal profession that heā€™s an ideological hack, and his former clerks are a whoā€™s who of deplorable lawyers (eg, Ted Cruz and Neomi Rao).

I havenā€™t looked at the full list, but surely there have to be some non-deplorable ones. I just mean like standard biglaw partners. So guilliotine-worthy but not frankly deplorable.

Literally nobody said heā€™s a good Justice. I claimed he isnā€™t stupid. Which, heā€™s not.

Yeah, seems like he knows whatā€™s up

In his 2007 memoir, Thomas wrote, ā€œI peeled a fifteen-cent sticker off a package of cigars and stuck it on the frame of my law degree to remind myself of the mistake Iā€™d made by going to Yale. I never did change my mind about its value.ā€

His life long schtick is that elite colleges are full of Get Out liberals who condescended to him based on his race while being, in reality, barely above a state college in terms of actual worth. I mean heā€™s not completely off base, but he went full reactionary with it.


If he hadnā€™t gone to Yale maybe he would have been even more successful, like he could have been the Grand Wizard of the SC.