The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Think Obama can’t get much scorn here. He had huge value over Hillary or whoever else the Ds had.

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Does LOLManchin even vote for a justice to the left of any of the current justices? Given his leverage, drawing at best to a Merrick Garland type; fuck it the way we run it will be Merrick Garland and Sleepy Joe will choose another spineless boomer to run doj.

So you are saying some deep Q doctor operative give Beau the big C to keep Joe from running?

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He’s voted for pretty much every circuit judge they’ve put up so far so probably. I guess maybe he calculates differently for SCOTUS but my read on him is he’s just mashing buttons up there. If he votes with the Ds on something big he’ll vote against the next big thing just to prove his independence. Tanking BBB should give him the cover to vote for a SCOTUS justice. But also, who cares? We’re gonna be down 6-3 or 7-2 for generations and this is almost certainly the last pick we’ll get confirmed in our lifetimes if it even happens so whatever.

Mitch Mcconnel needs to be in at least the top 3

RBG shouldn’t even be in the top 1000. Yeah she was a selfish, narcissistic idiot but 5-4 just gets us a controlled descent into hell while 6-3 gets us the express trip. Same end result, just a different speed.

Wrong. 4-5 down and we are 1 unexpected heart attack to 5-4.

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Scalia’s corpse says hi

Ok so 1 surprise death and the dems holding the senate 51-50 without cracking.

Ok, I’ll give you that lol. I do wonder if a 5-4 court makes it more likely the Rs win at least one of those GA seats given how close they were and any little boost would’ve put them over the top.


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Republicans hate him for some reason.

He does actual policy and not relentless culture war mumbo jumbo. WEAK!

Paging @Narrator

Gov DeWine has a son on Ohio Supreme.


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The Supreme Court is now a Fox News panel. LOL Twitter law types quarreling with their reasoning, they’re never going to learn.


The SCOTUS upheld a more narrow Biden vaccine mandate for healthcare workers.