The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

He doesn’t actually think it’s not political he’s just a standard selfish POS boomer who likes having power.


breyer : scotus :: manchin : senate

Don’t think this analogy holds.

Breyer:SCOTUS is more like Feinstein:Senate or Pelosi:House

Better than the conservatives, but not even really that good, way too goddamn old and out of touch and we would certainly be better off if they had retired a year ago.

Will be vacant for a year then Ivanka Trumps seat in 2025

Although it always is tempting to assume the most ridiculous outcomes, in this case I think the Rs will always keep finding deplorable judges. There are tons of them, that’s been one of their big achievements. And the centrist Dems will fall over themselves to approve the “respected” judge that the Rs bring forward. They’ll be impressed by stupid stuff like “he went to Yale”!

If Trump wins I think we are beyond the need to cultivate alliances with establishment Rs part. Yeah I was taking poetic license, but it will be someone like Pirro rather than the Federalist list imo

If I were to rate the 3 people most responsible (post 2010) for the shit we’re in now (in order), it would be

  1. Florida Man
  2. Hillary
  3. RBG

and if I were to go on, I’d have

T- 4. Manchin
T- 4. Sinema

How do we rate this take? Misogynist or keeping it real?

Define “shit we are in now”

It’s intentionally vague and left to the reader to interpret as they so choose.

Depending on the definition, I could argue that Reagan should be at or near the top of the list.

Ah, good point.

Let’s limit it to actions that were taken post-2010.

I’m gonna go back and edit my first post.

Obama gotta be top 5 in that list.


I’ve probably got him somewhere in the 6-10 range.

My beloved senator is easy 3

If you extended the time period to 2008 where Obama had a supermajority and didn’t do shit he would be much higher

I struggled with Mitch. I just don’t think that Mitch’s hypothetical replacement does anything much differently. Whoever that is wouldn’t have confirmed Garland, and probably does nothing different post-Trump. I’ve got him at 6-10 also.

The period Obama had a supermajority was about 3 months, during which Obamacare was passed. The window was so short that they had to pass a follow up bill in reconciliation after some flaws were found in the main bill.

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So, it’s all Martha Coakley’s fault.

The other problem was the GOP tying Franken’s election up in court for 6 months after a very narrow victory.

Probably have Zuckerberg on the list somewhere.


I have a CA doctor who isn’t licensed in my state and have been doing telemedicine appointments for several years now, although I had to fly there for the initial consult.