The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Trump loses NY case 7-2 (Thomas Alito) – Sotomayor writes the decision to really stick the knife in
Trump wins Congress case 5-4 (order you expect) – Roberts writes something stupid

I’d fall out of my chair if Gorsuch and Kavanaugh vote for a check on executive power (in the Congress case).

Not sure what the rule is either but I’m going to choose to believe his account was hijacked by a very sophisticated troll bc the alternative is terrifying.

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At what time are opinions expected to drop?

Am I right in assuming that these opinions were actually written weeks ago and today is just like the walrus reveal? Price Waterhouse Cooper has been guarding the results etc? Or is some clerk feverishly proofing the final drafts right now?

Opinions start at 10am and drop every 10 minutes. It’s expected that the McGirt v. Oklahoma goes first because Gorsuch will likely be writing it and they go in reverse seniority order (where JR is the most senior by virtue of being CJ so he goes last), so expect Trump taxes NY edition around 10:10 or so (likely either Breyer or Sotomayor), and then the Congress one around 10:20 by JR himself. The votes happened weeks ago but the opinions and dissents were probably being written up until this morning and there’s always a chance that someone changes their vote midstream (like is widely speculated with JR in the Obamacare case)


This is so boring and un-American. They should make them vote live on Primetime and then all the justices on the losing side get dumped into a big vat of water.



Trump loses Vance 7-2

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1 for 1 for me, nailed the alignment all the way, missed Roberts writing

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this means Roberts wrote Mazars too

WHAT? Ohh they can argue different parts of the subpoena now, great.



so did he lose both or just one so far?

btw this just means the case is remanded, it doesn’t mean Trump has to turn over his taxes like tomorrow or whatever

in other words, nothing will happen before the election


Nice that’s nice

I think they remanded for more bullshit so he doesnt actually have to produce them until they litigate more nonsense.

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Not shocked but I am disappointed. Seems like how you give Trump a win without making a complete mockery of things.

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Blogger types saying Alito’s dissent telegraphs another Trump loss in case #2

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