The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

looooooooool right after we do away with Phil A. Buster


“I am willing to invest in a more secure barn door,” declares guy whose horses were all stolen


This will do precisely jack shit to stop school shootings, and everybody knows that. You can’t plausibly campaign on being the party of gun control when you don’t actually want to remove guns.

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My point is that Dems need to actually support transformative policy if they want to campaign on it. Voters can detect bullshit, and quite frankly the Dems peddle in bullshit a lot more than the GOP. The GOP will make up fake reasons why they oppose abortion rights, but their voters know they genuinely oppose them. The Dems yell and scream about how they are the pro choice party and then our first woman candidate picks fucking Tim Kaine as her running mate, who is on the record supporting abortion restrictions.

Republicans say they want everyone to have all the guns they want, and we know the research they use to support that position is fake, but they genuinely want everyone to have guns. Dems campaign on being the party of gun control and have candidates doing commercials shooting fucking assault rifles.


Disagree, but I’m all for them taking a more hardline stance.

We already don’t sell guns to children. Is the point that school shooters tend to have dads who would be prevented from buying guns by these laws? How do those things prevent school shootings in any way?

I am sounding like watevs now but dems winning isn’t really winning anymore.

I think the dynamic here is more one of purity vs. sacrificing purity for big tent. Conservative subgroups happily horse trade among each other to get what they want. Dems bullshit a lot because they demand “consistency” among their positions. The only way they can do that is to be wishy washy and bullshitty. Conservatives just happily say “we want freedom from an oppressive government (i.e. low taxes for businesses) and also we want the government to ban certain books and also cancel culture is bad and keep the government out of my medicare and the government shouldn’t allow inflation to happen and also if you oppose free markets that’s SOCIALISM”. Conservatives just assert 100 contradictory positions with conviction and it allows people to latch on to the one they want. Dems try to split the difference on everything and no one is satisfied.


When Roe falls, people are going to turn to their elected leaders for relief, and Democrats are going to need a better answer than “elect Democrats.” Not because the answer is wrong, exactly, but that it awkwardly and conspicuously ignores the obvious: Democrats turned out harder than voters have ever turned out in an election in 2020, enough to give Democrats undivided control of government, but now they say there’s literally nothing they can do other than hope the midterms go even better.

It’s true in an almost trivial way that the solution to the problems Republicans create is to elect more Democrats. If the country had elected more Democrats in the past, we wouldn’t be facing the demise of Roe, and faced with the demise of Roe the only thing that will restore the right to an abortion is more Democrats. But if after the singular effort to unseat Donald Trump, the number of Democrats currently in power isn’t enough to do more than fundraise and campaign off of Republican minority rule, people are going to notice and some are going to assume the situation is hopeless. Lecturing them about the past would be a terrible idea, but treating their frustrations over the party’s paralysis as unfounded wouldn’t be much better.

Whatever psychological pleasure Democrats derive from floating above the fray like this, or whatever polls tell them about its political wisdom, it just doesn’t work, and it doesn’t work because it’s incongruent to the realities staring them in the face. It’s how you wind up responding to a coup attempt with an infrastructure bill while the fascists convince more voters that you’re the real threat to democracy. It’s how, faced with the completely predictable demise of Roe v. Wade, you constitute a court-reform commission to put the kibosh on court-expansion efforts, only to realize at the last possible moment that court expansion has been our only hope all along. More than anything in the world, Democrats want it to be one way. But it’s the other way.


Of course you can. Republicans campaign on tons of issues that they have no interest in actually fixing. Everyone knows that R’s are the party of gun owners and D’s the party of gun restrictions - the details don’t matter when you campaign. Just do what Riverman suggests - are Republicans really going to fight back by saying that D’s gun control proposals don’t go far enough to fix the real problems or that D’s won’t actual grab guns if they get power?

To be fair, this is how it was with Republicans as well. Republicans had unified control of the government and only really passed a tax cut. No great changes in legislation. With the filibuster unless you get great majorities only the barest of things are going to pass in the legislature.

Which is generally what Republicans want. They have the Trump card now that they get a shadow legislature in the Supreme Court to still deliver them wins even when they lose.

No, but you’re not going to get people who would otherwise stay at home to come out and vote for people who have no intention to do anything with their power.

Dems are nominally the party of legalizing weed, gay marriage, free healthcare, financial assistance for working class people, etc - but they simply do not propose legislation that will do any of those things. They’re tribal badges, not policy proposals, and I think a lot of people can see through that.




Why do Democrats care more about abortion than the economy?

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The key is to play offense, which they never do because the people running the party still somehow have the idea that taking the high road works. It absolutely does not. Also they suck at message discipline.

“How you gonna pay for it!!!”

“You know Sleepy Eyes my plan is totally paid for (who cares if this is true), but what I’m really worried about is the children of this country who are paying for Republican corruption with their lives. We have ____ school shootings a year in this country. It could be your kid or my kid that gets murdered while trying to learn algebra next, and Republicans’ answer is to take more money from the NRA, arm more domestic abusers and children, and hope to distract you from the carnage by dividing us. _______ person was 15 years old. Honor student, was going to be the first in her family to go to college. She was murdered by a classmate and my opponent doesn’t care. Twenty six year olds were slaughtered at Sandy Hook and the entire Republican Party mobilized not to protect children but to protect the profits of Smith and Wesson…”

I promise you, this would work.


There would be fewer school shootings if we had more critical race theory in schools.



The best were all those liberal elite law types writing articles like “Amy Barrett isn’t so bad” and “Kavanagh is a high school basketball coach”

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