The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I disagree with this, once they have a stranglehold on power in 3 years nothing is off the table.

Recent polls have 70% on gay marriage, abortion is kind of higher.(81% legal with+without restrictions, 19% say ban.)

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Rs are huge underdogs on all kinds of policy issues, it doesn’t matter if the Dems never campaign on them. Abortion and gun control are popular but gl ever seeing any wins on those fronts.

Polling on questions like that is 100% irrelevant unless it will actually alter voting behavior.

Like if they just ran a coordinated national strategy about kids being murdered in schools they would win. Picture MSNBC running 24/7 coverage with pictures of dead kids next to GOP fuckwits, this shit is not hard.

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But the conservative response to either success or failure is to move further right on social issues. They still really hate gay marriage. I think that once they decide it’s a one party country at the national level, they gut LGBTQ protections.

They care WAY more about making the powerful protected/powerful than culture war stuff imo. The will spend most of the next few decades destroying labor rights, environmental protections, cops unlimited power etc.

I do think they will go HAM on trans rights though.

Yeah you might be right actually. Once they own the country nationally they will just keep throwing whatever red meat the base wants while they loot the country and entrench their power

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Yeah we have not seen the end of trans bathroom, and trans sports arguments


They will make it child abuse to allow a child under the age of 16 to express as trans (once they have already banned trans bathrooms and trans sports).

I think abortion is a bit of a special case in that there are a cadre of elites for whom it’s a big issue as well as it being a red meat issue. I don’t think that’s true of LGBT rights and I don’t think it’s very good red meat. I don’t think even most homophobes ultimately really give a shit about gay rights anymore and any move to reverse gay rights would be a huge mess (they’re going to end thousands of marriages?) and stratospherically unpopular among younger voters. If you purely want red meat there are dozens of better issues to go after.

it will probably be a sex crime

Gay marriage is another example of the DemEs being completely feckless, they waited until 2016 before Biden bumbled his way into supporting it. Doesn’t matter that the public was massively in favor of gay marriage, the Dems were too scared of their own shadow to get behind it. I don’t see how these clowns ever push back if Republicans take gay marriage away.

I think it’s the same way with legalized marijuana, the public has been years ahead of the Dems. There’s a real danger that Republicans become the first to go pro-pot and eat the Dem’s lunch.

What policies have Dems proposed that would meaningfully reduce school shootings?

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Still way late in the game. By 2012 it wasn’t controversial at all among the Dem base and swing voters. It’s fun to wonder how long they’d drag their feet if Biden didn’t accidentally push the party that way.

You don’t need policies in the culture wars. I think @Riverman is advocating for advertising blitzes to associate Republicans with dead children, period.

House recently passed a bill with expanded background checks and tighter rules for gun show purchases.

Super weird seeing you guys debate policy as the solution in 2021.


Nah, I’m saying play offense. Make dead kids the only issue. Literally the only issue. Republicans do it al the time over complete bullshit. THE CARAVAN!!!

If you say nothing other than “kids are dying and GOP doesn’t care” eventually the media will run with that, above all they are SUPER FUCKING LAZY. Plaster Sandy Hook bodies all over TV, mailers, everything. It has the convenient bonus of being completely true that the GOP doesn’t care about kids getting murdered in schools. And it hits the suburban moms that are actual swing voters.


Dems win when they run on policy. They lose when the race is about CRT or whether Donald Trump is a mean person.