The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

It was their big issue in the 90s. Today it’s getting liberals and lizard people. Actual issues don’t matter at all to the right.

Somehow forgot about this.


Been to marches, too. Guess marches and organizing are just as pointless?

Marches seem pretty pointless, did the women’s March do anything

Organizing for Dems is pretty pointless

Organizing for communists seems pretty good

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Well, I’m glad you found a group who’d never disappoint you with how they use political power.




Next white whale is a personhood amendment and increasingly fucking with blue states’ abortion laws.

Also it’s a good rallying cry in light blue to swing states, “elect us and we’ll abolish abortion”

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I think I’m missing the connection.

Anthony Weiner’s laptop had Hillary Clinton’s emails on it and is what brought the emails back into the news the week before the 2016 election.


Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.


This is an extremely dumb tweet unless you think every dipshit who falls off a ladder did it on purpose

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How this goes politically depends on whether the Court draws a new line at 13 weeks/something like that or just overturns completely and allows a free for all at the state level. Would be probably net gain some votes for Rs overall with the former.


It’s a big mistake to see overturning Roe as the endgame. Why would we take people who are obviously acting in bad faith at their word?

Especially when the less-restrained half of the RWNJs are out there rallying around the mantra that “Abortion is Murder.” They won’t rest until abortion is banned in all 50 states.

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I mean who knows but the anti homosexuality stuff seems a lot more fringe the the abortion stuff.

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Hats off, genuinely. A beautifully crafted statement tailored to get people to vote dem in the future as if it will make any difference. The Democrats could pass abortion legislation right now. They refuse to even get rid of the Hyde amendment.

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It’s the same legal foundation though. Once abortion is gone it all collapses: gay marriage, birth control. (IANAL)
So they don’t have to do more work.

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Gonna be a tough next few decades for the “arc of history bends towards justice” crowd.