The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

True, but but most of us aren’t “go back to Africa if you don’t like it” racists.

Someone as intelligent as RBG should have known better, even as old and out of touch as she was. This is the kind of racial disciplining I expect from NFL yambags, not the left wing of the Supreme Court.

And Couric looks like a complete ass here, this is completely irresponsible journalism. Looking forward to the next ep of On the Media.


“You’re better off in Jim Crow America than Africa” racists


Slaves basically won the lottery


Don’t look at me, I took one of those bias tests, and I’m actually reverse racist! I’m more suspicious of white people than black people, think because my biggest fear is white/Republican terrorism.


I think she meant how far black people have come since Jim Crow, not Africa. But there is a massive amount paternalism in the “it’s better than what your ancestors had, so you should be grateful” even though you still significantly less than white people still. You know like the expectation of not being killed by the police during a traffic stop or sleeping in your own bed which was the nexus of kneeling in the first place.


Trying to imagine well-actuallying about a group of people who refuse to consider any reasoning other than “they do more crimes” for the racial differences in our prison population.

She was trying to present a hagiography of RBG and the facts didn’t support it. So she buried the facts to present the story she wanted to tell instead, thereby ensuring no conflict with the person in a position of power. Ya know, like they teach you on the first day of journalism school.


Slaves used to sing in the fields. Makes you think…

Obviously this is first order abhorrent but even if you accept the ridiculous premise it’s like why do you think Africa is so fucked up? Do ya think the 500+ years of colonialism and resource extraction followed by nearly a century of the CIA violently overthrowing any attempt at democratic self determination might have had something to do with it? Nah it’s probably all down to IQ right?


I don’t know, “in the places they came from” sounds a lot more geographical than historical or circumstantial.

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Something something bell curve. It’s science!

Clearly it’s because they don’t share our sacred government protocols such as the filibuster and the debt ceiling.


This point is completely irrelevant to the issues that we care about.

“slaves were immigrants” (paraphrased) – ben carson

my rwnj parent tried arguing with me that africa wouldn’t be much different if slave trade never occurred. i did some preliminary googling. lower estimates were ~50m people captured and enslaved, which may have been half the population of africa that we know about. 50 fucking million, not to mention those who were killed or displaced and driven out of their lands. and somehow white people convinced themselves that it didn’t matter and dismiss the whole continent as a shithole then and shithole now.

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It’s absolutely not. It’s central to so much debate we have.

It’s not fruitful to say X was a racist without clarifying what you actually mean.

To me the real questions are:
What exactly does the progressive label even mean
Also if people hold progressive views in one area (typically one they find themselves holding the short end of the stick) and not otherwise, what is ones viewpoint on them

  • Work with them on common points while trying to educate/shame/criticize on others
  • Drag them on social media for being not good and cancel them and disregard their worthwhile contributions.
  • Why can’t be include racist coal miners (if possible that is) in such political calculi.why is their racist view morally worse than for someone born in the 30s …coz where they were born, those views are still super dominant.
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Also I feel this is sadly relevant to my post above … I am not white and an immigrant in the US.

I might be confused. After I put a finer point on why Ginsberg’s racism mattered, you decided to make a post that was intended to point out that calling people racist without explanation is not useful?

It’s been said before, but Sotomayor is actually the justice that everyone likes to pretend RBG was. But she’s never inspired the same cult-like following, and that’s probably a good thing as we’re seeing here.