The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

  • Couric claims that Ginsburg, who was 83 at the time, was ‘elderly and probably didn’t fully understand the question’

Highest office in the land dedicated to understanding and dissecting questions


There was some discussion about how other countries work the other day. Australian High Court appointments have no set term length, but the constitution sets mandatory retirement at age 70.

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Young buck Katie Couric is 64.

RBG was a racist obviously. Not really news.

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She was “of her time”.

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Girl boss


Because that is the job of a journalist


The full context is even worse than the headlines indicate:

In her book, Couric wrote that Ginsburg also said the protests showed “contempt for a government that has made it possible for their parents and grandparents to live a decent life,”

“Which they probably could not have lived in the places they came from … as they became older they realize that this was youthful folly,” Couric quoted Ginsburg as saying. “And that’s why education is important.”

…. Does she mean Africa? Where are the places they came from?


That’s racist dot gif

So any chances RBG will be canceled now or nah.
I mean lin-manuel Miranda got dragged on Twitter for not having enough afro-latinos in his latest work.

It would be nice if she got the hatred she deserves for refusing to retire. Everything happening with the 6-3 court she entirely be blamed on her. Her legacy should be all the suffering this new court causes, and probably the upcoming end of democracy at least in part.

Maybe this will at least kill some of the untouchable part of her, and open shitlibs up to that criticism.


Only death can cancel a SCOTUS justice.

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History will judge them!

Guys there is no god, when you die nothing happens, they all get away with it, the end.


She should be hardcore dragged for not resigning and it’s obvious long term horrible effects.

The “she was some kind of secret super racist” line seems like silly level one thinking.

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She’s not a secret super racist. It’s just an amazing example of a benevolent liberal elite hero saying the very quiet part out loud when she was caught off guard. Someone who has spent their entire life in deliberation and justice can be reduced to schoolyard racism when asked the right question.

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I don’t really know what “secret super racist” means, but if those statements are accurate, it’s evidence that she harbored some racist sentiments that almost certainly colored her judgement in thinking about and writing opinions on issues of racial injustice and efforts to fight systemic forms of racism. Like, this is coming from one a judge who sits on the highest court in the country and whose thoughts on the law and society are deemed to be the end of the line in determining what is just under the law in the US. She’s one of nine, and probably is among the top three least racist members of that body aside from Keagan and Sotomayor. It’s like the most direct evidence of institutional racism that you can have, a sitting justice who is lionized by the supposed progressive half of the country, spouting shit that is steeped in racial prejudice and ignorance, and Katie Couric shits the bed in spectacular fashion by saying, nah, I won’t publish that.


I think this is the bigger story. We shouldn’t be surprised that people born in 1933 have bad attitudes about race. It doesn’t make it OK, but at least it’s understandable. Couric, on the other hand, has absolutely no excuse for the journalistic malpractice of hiding bad stuff of public interest because she worshipped the interviewee. That’s directly antithetical to the notion of journalism. There’s no excuse “well that was just the way journalism was done at the time, we know better now”.


The part you are missing is we are all racists. Including every single poster on this forum. There is mountains of social science research showing this. It’s simply a scale.


Not me. I dont even see race. Obama was black? I didn’t even notice. Some of my best friends are black! Or so they tell me, anyway, I can’t tell personally. You’re the real racist for bringing up race! Now I have to vote for Trump because you were mean to me!