The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

In before we hear of how she’s best buds with kavanaugh or something (semi joking here)

The full full context is even worse for Couric

She got the quote from RBG and the next day RBG’s people call up and say they want to retract the quote. Ok, perfect slam dunk journalism, lol no way I’m retracting, aaaannnd PRINT

but no she calls up David Brooks, David Fucking Brooks and asks for advice and Brooks says RBG is old and probably didn’t understand so she should let them retract it.


She also hasn’t been on the Court nearly as long as RBG.

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I think the difference (at least for me) is largely because of RBG’s pre-justice career fighting for gender equality. Sotomayor doesn’t really have anything comparable.

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My larger point is there is no such thing as a racist-free judge. They don’t exist.

That leaves us just parsing whether or not “places” means Africa or Jim Crow. I am not sure how fruitful that is.

Why not accept, as a starting point, that all humans have biases and focus on the blatantly obvious place she fucked the world in her not stepping down?

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I mean, one of those things is, in fact, a place. One isn’t.

And like, “ shows contempt for a government that has made it possible for their parents and grandparents to live a decent life, which they probably could not have lived in the places they came from” doesn’t make any sense if it’s talking about Jim Crow. Jim Crow was a set of policies enacted by that government.


De-Green RBG for great justice?

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People use place to mean “station in life” all the time.

“She came from a bad place in life” doesn’t mean the actual location was bad right.

Anyway, I have no problem believing she had some racist ideas, if only implicit. As I said, we all do.

Doesn’t station in life refer to social status?

That’s what I meant.

I stand for the anthem for the same reasons as I did before Kaep: I’m proud of the country and everyone else is doing it. I don’t brag about it on Facebook, but I also don’t see fit to join the kneelers. They certainly have legitimate grievances and they don’t annoy me, but there is more good than bad about America.

I also don’t think RBG was necessarily thinking about blacks. There have been a lot of white people kneeling lately. Besides, I thought the whole point of kneeling was to show “contempt for a government” (In the US). Many of you think the government deserves contempt.

Nope. On her own official website, the very first thing she says about herself is that she’s an award winning journalist.

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It would be hard for someone who anchored a network news show, the apex job for TV news, to not be a journalist.

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The point is it’s only obviously racist on the side of scale that includes “everyone is racist”. It’s not obvious on the side of the scale where most of the right wing reside. Nonetheless, people use the term “she said something racist” and 99% of people assume the latter side and not the former.

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Clovis does this every time racism comes up. The whole 14 words thing with Fly started with this iirc.

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Kneeling is odd way to show contempt. Lounging on the bench is how you show contempt. Kneeling is respectful protest.


This seems harsher than it needs to be, but also I don’t get Clovis’ point at all. Everyone is a little racist, but most of us aren’t scolding Kap to go back to his home country.

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No idea why you need to be so aggressive 🤷

For the record it’s not me anointing myself. It’s social science research from many disciplines.

You seem to think it’s not important to be clear on what we mean when we say someone said something racist or is racist. I’m saying it is very important to be clear as it is an important issue that most of the population doesn’t understand very well. Thst why the whole right can say honestly “I am not racist” because they think it only means “has curbed stomped a minority”.

Anyway, not sure why you are so angry. I thought I was making a worthwhile contribution to broaden the point being discussed.

And I was right then and I’m right now. Racism is simply not a binary thing as has been proved by endless social science research yet it’s discussed 99% of the time as if it was. It causes lots of problems doing so.

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We’ve had multiple people say RBG was saying kneelers should go back to Africa, speaking slowly to knee jerkers is appropriate.