The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

just like Jan 6th activated a ton of people, just like this abortion stuff activated a lot of people etc etc :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

Isn’t this what “smart” politicos said for years about Roe? Oh they’ll never actually get rid of it, abortion rights are way too popular. It’s all kabuki theater.

The Supes give zero fucks what the general public thinks, they’re juiced in. They sure as hell don’t care what people under thirty who scarcely even vote think. We can go full Gilead for all they care. Of course they could vote to overturn gay marriage.

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It’s motivating people to emigrate to blue states, where we can continue racking up the popular vote even higher while still losing the EC.


exactly. it’s literally amazing that anyone in this forum could think otherwise given what we just saw from Bryer in the last few weeks.

This isn’t at all true. SCOTUS cares a ton how they are perceived and I think there is good evidence that if they actually overturned ROE it would activate many people. That is why they are explicitly not doing it directly but via all the back door methods that are too wonky for 98% of people to follow.

Being delusional is not the same as not caring. He clearly cares what the public thinks.


I mean, Kagan, maybe, Roberts, yes, but alito? lol. Kav? come on dude. THOMAS? HAW HAW HAW


sort of? He doesn’t care enough to actually find out, he only cares enough to assume that people are thinking what he wants them to be thinking.

They care what the people we don’t like think. They still care.

They just did that in Texas! People hate it! The Supes don’t care! Another massive L for accelerationism.

Technically, they haven’t overturned Roe yet and I actually would bet against them doing so, but they’re perfectly willing to allow abortion providers to twist in the wind and be threatened by lawsuits. Their ideal scenario is probably for Roe to still be considered the law of the land, but for abortion to be prohibitively expensive so that only the rich can have them.

However, if SCOTUS does overturn Roe, it would be better for it to happen before the 2022 midterms.

Yeah, so? People know they can’t get abortions in Texas anymore and they know it’s because of the SCOTUS. No one is storming the Bastille.

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I would bet less than 30% of people know this.

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There’s a huge gap between a de facto overturning of Roe and a de jure overturning of Roe in terms of what will motivate people into acting.

Y’all are in full denial mode.


There must be some huge cognitive bias against believing stuff you intellectually know will happen is actually going to happen. Because this forum is full of smart people who somehow keep thinking Republicans are going to come to a bridge they won’t cross.

They’re not going to stop any of this unless it’s at the barrel of a gun. Ever.


Dude of course they care. That’s why they’re stripping voting rights. It’s why Robert does a ton of moderate for PR.

They care deeply. They pay attention to politics very carefully. They want republicans to control the country.

Dems alone the court are complete idiots, but the republicans are working a long time ideological project


I’ve been saying this the entire time. Y’all are just squeamish about using that gun, so you’re desperate for there to be another way.

They occasionally show restraint for political reasons, they don’t want to rile up the liberals and have them turning out and winning elections.

They want their ideology to dominant the country.

Roberts restraint is all a political calculation so they can continue to destroy the country without people freaking out too much


Yep, and Roberts restraint was completely unnecessary which is being proven as Kav and Comey barge in all LEEEERRRROOYYYY JEEENKKKINS! gutting Roe in less than a year from taking the power to cuck Roberts and nobody even notices.

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