The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Depends on what you mean by “normal people”, but I think that non-lawbros see it a lot more easily than lawbros. They’re taught to revere the court and a lot of that sticks.

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I’d be curious to see the cross tabs of the Supreme Court’s popularity among Dems

I mean within the party. It’d be interesting to see if low education non political folk are propping up the court by just not paying attention and giving it generally positive approval for just being a government institution, or if it’s highly educated involved partisans who are deluding themselves.

My instinct is to guess that non-white Democrats have a lower opinion of the Supreme Court than white Democrats. How much that correlates to education and political awareness, I can’t say.

New poll

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Still not great. Only 34% think it’s too conservative lmao

Roughly one-third (34 percent) of Americans think the Supreme Court is too conservative, roughly one- third (34 percent) think the Supreme Court is about right, 19 percent say they think the Supreme Court is too liberal, and 13 percent did not offer an opinion.


Lawrence and Obergefell may be next on the chopping block.

Eventually they’re just going to go ahead and overturn Griswold and reinstate Lochner. May just go ahead and overrule Brown v. Board too. We’re going back to a pre-new deal hellscape.


Exactly its MAGA time! For some people!

I guess I don’t think they’ll overturn Obergefell since you can’t buy your way out of that one (as in the abortion cases).

I don’t follow. Deplorables accidentally get mistresses pregnant all the time but I don’t think they are at risk of accidentally needing to get married to someone of the same sex.

Banning abortion in 25-30 states doesn’t really impact the top 5% because they can just travel.

Right but banning guy marriage doesn’t impact deplorables either because they are either straight or emphatically suppressed gays. They will not personally need gay marriage and they will delight in reserving marriage as a privilege for themselves.

I believe that there would be far more economic/corporate backlash to gutting Obergefell rather than Roe.

Corporations might put on a show of support or call the decision an outrage but that’s the beauty of the “non-partisan” Supreme Court, they’re judges with lifetime appointments making decisions on legal technicalities, you can’t threaten to withhold funding or support in their next election.

Nobody under 30 even on the right wants to overturn obergefelll. That’s not true of abortion rights.

Lol this is the biggest sweet summer child post in forum history