The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Can you provide some color on this? I don’t understand this well.

Wisconsin and Penn are likely dem pickups with an outsIde shot at NC. The only seat they are likely to lose is GA, so its a net 1-2 pickup

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There’s just not a whole lot of pickup opportunities for Republicans. Georgia for sure, but then you’re into reach territory with Arizona/Nevada/New Hampshire.

On the Democrat side, they really should pick up Toomey’s seat in Pennsylvania. Wisconsin isn’t a bad bet. And North Carolina is probably a tossup or close to it. I’m not getting my hopes up for LOL Florida or LOL Florida North (aka Ohio).

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Right, if they somehow swing NC then they break the Manchin/Sinema fillibuster

But here is the map for 2024. Why yes that is Democrats defending seats in the hard red states of Montana and West Virginia on the same ballot with Trump at the top of the ticket. Also Ohio. And then there are all of the swing states: Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Maine, Nevada. Meanwhile the best shot at a Democrat pickup is probably Texas or Florida. How turbo fucked Democrats are in 2024 is not a big enough story.


Thanks for the help. On this one it seems risky. Biden won Pa., but not easily, and entirely on the backs of urban voters. Why are we so sure that Pa., with all that red on the map outside Philly, is an easy or expected win?

Even among those paying attention to politics, people on the left simply do not seem to understand that no Republican House is ever certifying a Democratic President, ever. They’re quite open and honest about this!

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It’s not going to be “easy”, but Pennsylvania is a still a lean blue state. The governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general are all Democrats. In an election with a retiring incumbent and no presidential race, it really should be a Democratic pickup. If the Republicans manage to hold that seat, that’s a REALLY bad indication of where things are nationally.

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Yeah 22 senate isn’t too bad, but problem is they are like 20 percent or so to keep the house. May help for judges but not much else

Even if they hold the house there will be enough shitlib moderates to block any actually good legislation. There is no plausible path to real progress.

Perhaps, there’s no plausible path to real progress within the system and we need to be more imaginative.

I think the house Dems unanimously passed hr1. Honestly that’s mainly what we need. With that in place progress would be sure to follow in a decade

whatever you do, absolutely DO NOT listen to the most recent NPR politics podcast that has an interview with Bryer, dude is absolutely a fucking egomanic shitbag (he literally said outright that he didn’t want to talk about anything other than his book). I have been working really hard on MBSR etc and it takes quite a bit to get me going and I very nearly smashed my phone into a million pieces this morning while walking the dog (which is literally the point in the day where I am most serene and unflappable) when this came on. I didn’t finish it, turned it off when he made the argument that the court isn’t political and offered the fact that they don’t horse trade votes as “proof”


I wanted to punch my radio. Asshole thinks this is all a big silly game.

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It is to him. What the fuck does he care? Hes dead in the next five years. He doesnt give a shit about what happens after

Literally would not listen to that for $100. At $500, I’d consider it.

I would 100% lose my job at NPR just to tell this guy he was a gigantic piece of shit that didn’t give a single fuck about the millions who will suffer from his decision to stay on the court.

I wonder how much lionizing RBG instead of ripping her in the media like she deserved played into this. He probably digs in no matter what, he clearly only care about himself and would have justified staying regardless of circumstances.

Just goes to show a lot of liberals aren’t any better than conservatives, they just had different upbringings.


This fucking guy.

The funniest thing to me is he’s so up his own ass with this idea that he’ll be viewed as some great unbiased jurist by future generations instead of forgotten the second he dies.