The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

So arrest them…after they’ve raped. Solid prevention plan there, wheels

The American Taliban

No no no.

Its like…

Have you ever seen Minority Report?

No no no.

Everyone knows real rapes are committed by just a few guys hanging out in dark alleys, so a few arrests (followed by a few miscarriages, because a woman’s body can shut that whole thing down) and all the real rape is gone. Frat boys raping unconscious college girls and pedo uncles raping their nieces aren’t really rapes worth counting as rapes.

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I believe republicans refer to those as “Oopsies”

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This is missing “Boys Will Be Boys” rape. Do you really want to RUIN Junior’s WHOLE LIFE just because of one LITTLE MISTAKE?!?!


Justice Department has sued Texas.

Edit: Garland is holding a press conference now. He is the opposite of charismatic.

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I would not be shocked if a court challenge to SB8 results in the basic scheme being held to be constitutional, but the six week threshold being unconstitutional, so that the long-term result is a similar law eventually being passed which is similar but gives women more time to procure an abortion before laying the hammer down.

In any kind of sane world GOP legislators and judges would fear this bounty system being used for gun law violations and other lefty priorities, but a) democrats are way too big of losers to ever pass such laws and b) they know their judges will just butnahhhhh with zero shame.

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i guess breyer is still not retired because he feels he’s providing us VORP by occasional brilliant, definitely not found anywhere else, legal commentary like this.

This guy must be a legal genius if he thinks this is complex. Can’t wait to get his book.

Nobody knew health care, er, I mean abortion, could be so complicated!

Are you even 100% sure Breyer retiring now is a good thing? I would be very afraid of at least Manchin being a GOP vote in disguise to not confirm a liberal judge. Or he will hold the party further hostage for his vote.

The current situation is the best foreseeable situation. There’s a good chance that the Dems lose Congress and the Presidency in the next few years.


Yeah, it’s the end of the tournament, we’re short stacked, and blinds are increasing. Any ace is a shove.

/bad poker analogy

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If the Dems lose the House in the 2022 midterms, Mitch can try to steal another justice.

Senate, not house.

But yes, this.

That said, the senate map for 2022 actually looks pretty good for Democrats, so it’s not impossible that they maintain control or even gain a seat or two while also losing the house.