The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything



Stephen Breyer, drawing upon his experience as a Supreme Court justice, sounds a cautionary note. Mindful of the Court’s history, he suggests that the judiciary’s hard-won authority could be marred by reforms premised on the assumption of ideological bias. Having, as Hamilton observed, “no influence over either the sword or the purse,” the Court earned its authority by making decisions that have, over time, increased the public’s trust. If public trust is now in decline, one part of the solution is to promote better understandings of how the judiciary actually works: how judges adhere to their oaths and how they try to avoid considerations of politics and popularity.


Kind of amazing a casual observer can predict how a justice will rule 99% of the time based off their fucking POLITICS STEPHEN

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Those dumb magas get grifted so hard. They buy anything that tells them what they want to hear even if it’s obviously not true. Not like me. I do smart things like read books so I would never fall for something so obvious. In fact I just bought a very interesting book by a supreme court justice. That’s how little I get grifted.

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Has anyone summoned the KPop stans


I think I’m calling it. This is the get out now moment. “Snitch on your neighbors medical decisions” wtf. The scary part is how excited all the conservatives are.

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Austin is an awesome city, but pretty sure I’m never visiting Texas again. A lot of the south is in danger of getting this designation.

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But if anyone asks you about vaccination then MUH HIPPA RIGHTS!!!


I saw a lot of liberals in the Texas subreddit say they’re leaving. Which is good for them but really bad for any hope of a future in the state. I couldn’t imagine many liberal women want to live there now

Came here to post exactly this. Same crew cheerleading for this law thinks vaccines are some Big Brother shit. Which just goes to show they’re all on board for fascism as long as it doesn’t affect them personally.


Oh good, a hearing. That should be productive.

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If the dems had any sense at all they would announce 2 new SC justices right now and make M&S vote against them next week. This is the only time that it could ever have the slightest chance of happening. I have never seen my Twitter feed more furious.

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Dems are probably looking at polling of Christian Hispanics and thinking they can’t rock the boat or something, just beyond useless


I wanna see what some shit-eating morons in ten gallon hats suing a California LLC with a Texas abortion aide website and anti-SLAPP potential looks like.

One usually can’t sue in small claims court individuals who live in another state. So presumably anyone who doesn’t live in Texas is exempt.

What in the actual fuck


If true then that eliminates a ton of these bogeyman scenarios. I mean it’s not like Facebook, hospitals, or insurance companies were ever getting sued here to begin with because despite all of this handmaid’s tale masturbation going on, the core axioms of freedom–namely Super Rule #1: Giant corporations > *–have not changed.

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Don’t know how I feel about this because I think something like this might be a useful weapon against the unvaxxed in the future.