The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything




Our old seniles hug the oppo. Theirs win the Presidency and burn it all down.


They are coworkers who work for the same people ldo.

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Then, non-politicians need to think outside the box and figure out a morally permissible way to retaliate outside of the system.

stopped reading here


lol remember when Louise was a thing? Even that idiot Bill Maher had her on.

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Wasn’t she the death sentence tweet person?


It doesn’t change a shitty situation, but I’ve enjoyed visiting Senator Collins Twitter feed the last couple days. She hasn’t posted anything since the Texas law took effect, so her last random post from 3 days ago just keeps getting ratio’d harder and harder.


If anyone’s curious here’s a law review article about privatizing abortion enforcement. It’s also 200+ pages so get cracking

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Texas also passed a Florida style can’t moderate social media law which creates a contradiction

So… let’s say that someone posted to a Facebook group, telling people how to get an abortion. Under Texas’s social media law – remember “each person in this state has a fundamental interest in the free exchange of ideas and information” – Facebook is expected to keep that information up. However, under Texas’ anti-choice law – remember, anyone can sue anyone for “inducing” an abortion – Facebook theoretically faces liability for leaving that information up.

I mean it’s not really a contradiction as the social media law is only intended to force Facebook to keep up the racist and liberals are the devil posts and not the free flow of abortion information.

I think this is a troll post but you never know

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Immediately destroyed in case it’s real

And that isn’t even the dumbest part of the analogy.


Yeah wouldnt 100% of the people calling for her to step down have been extatic with a young, female justice replacing her?

That is a good and funny account

It’s dumb for a bunch of reasons, but an illustrative though exercise would be more along the lines of if Jordan chooses to retire you get Lebron James as a replacement, if he chooses to keep playing a few more years you get Kwame Brown as a replacement. As a fan of the team would you praise his tenacity for playing a few more years? I doubt it.

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Shitlib media " greatest book of a generation " #1 NY best seller for 3 months

I think the more interesting question is will this book be banned or will it be mandatory reading in New Gilead in 2025?

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