The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

The most likely outcome is that whenever someone does get sued, the law will get overturned, but lol at the Federalist lollawyers who are like “this was the right decision, there’s no harm here”

I could see SCOTUS saying ok no more citizen bounties on medical issues (bounties on potential voter fraud still find because ldo), but oh by the way Roe is overturned. Good day!

“those who worship at the altar of child sacrifice”

I’ve always been on the fence with boycotts because it hurts so many innocents who have nothing to do with the egregiousness. But I don’t see any other way. Well, I do, but the Democrats in charge are a bunch of weak mice who won’t do what it takes

they misspelled washington generals.

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Right. Which is why I said this is just another law that oppresses the poor and will have little to no impact on the upper class. But that brings up another question…

These are civil suits, right? So if I suspect my neighbor had an abortion I can sue her (or anyone who helped her) in civil court? If I lose the case, wouldn’t I have to pay court costs? I’m not a lawyer, but I thought that’s how civil suits work. You sue me and I successfully defend myself, you pay my court costs

[Edit:] What are the damages they’d be suing for anyway?

I got that part. And if the abortion were performed in TX that’s a problem. But I see no way to sue any out of state parties. Again, not a lawyer, but that seems common sense. It would be like suing a casino in Vegas back in the 60’s because someone from a state where gambling was illegal visited and gambled at a Vegas casino

i think the texas law prohibits defendant’s court costs to be passed to the accuser? they thought of everything

Was gonna ask again what are they suing for, but I think I answered my own question. That’s where this talk of bounties is coming from. I take it anyone can sue and if they win, they make their $10k minimum bounty? Jesus fucking Christ. It really is becoming like Taliban rule here

I don’t believe this. Our team has the better lawyers. Their problem is not that they couldn’t figure out a way to do break this thing, it’s just that they won’t go all out, because doing it would require that they do some distasteful stuff (but stuff that they could legally get away with). We need less Preets and more lefty Saul Goodmans.

Of course, in the alternative reality where they weren’t so feckless, they likely would lose in the SC. But that is a different problem.

Fun fact: a quick google seems to indicate that the threshold for small claims court in Texas is $20k, so, unless I’m missing something, some of these big issues might be initially ruled on in courts that usually hear cases where someone is suing their neighbor to get back the $500 they lent them… lol

There is going to be a law industry that opens up in Texas focusing solely on these issues. Fucking gross.

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Not enough credit for this one. Very nice!

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If twins get aborted, can you get a $20k snitching bounty?

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This is so fucking disgusting. I’m every bit as mad at Democrats, just absolutely fucking useless losers.


Honestly if I were a Republican why not? What can Democrats do?

It’s basic game theory. The only way to deal with this is retaliation. Democrats refuse to retaliate and are being predictably steamrolled.


Yeah, this.