The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything



That pastor has to be in the running for GOAT. He’s gonna be tough to beat.


Color me stunned



Been a while since I’ve looked forward to not reading a book this much.

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Lyft co-founder/ CEO


Lyft and Uber should stop operating in Texas.


That’ll show all those poor people who don’t own vehicles.

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Didn’t realize Uber and Lyft was a big transport option for the poor given how expensive it is to use those. Given that they are the target of lawsuits and we are out of political options for stopping the tsunami of offenses against the poor coming without corporate support, thought it was an option. I dunno, guess we are just fucked and Roe is gone.

I mean of course it’s way better than nothing they’re taking a stand, but it seems super unlikely any of the drivers would be sued, at least not make it through the courts.

It’s not like a passenger is going to revel that the purpose of the ride is to get an abortion, so the driver would have no idea right? I would assume the lawsuits against the drivers would all almost be immediately dismissed.

Being skeptical of corporations, this is likely just a good PR move that they know won’t cost them much. They want to show us something, stop donating to Republicans in every state. Local and national.

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Agreed that it’s probably mostly just empty virtue signaling, but at least they’re showing that they have their drivers’ backs in case someone has to be the test case. In so many other situations they try to wash their hands of liability by playing the “we’re just a technology platform and our drivers are independent contactors” card, that I thought it was interesting to see them publicly step up here.


Roe isn’t gone. The courts will hear argument on the merits once one of these suits happen. The defendant will argue the suit is unconstitutional, the courts will probably agree because Roe hasn’t been overturned. SCOTUS routinely denies Cert for abortion cases. If the anti abortion folks are smart, they won’t file any of these suits and just let law hang over the head of the targets that aren’t judgment proof. Fortunately, the decentralized nature of the law probably precludes that.

The Court is already scheduled to hear a case on a Mississippi anti-abortion law this term.

Roe says states can regulate second trimester abortions and ban almost all third trimester abortions, so what if the Texas law had set the threshold at twelve rather than six weeks?

Poor people take ubers?

Why not just get a pro-choice person to file the suit? It can be a complete fabrication. Or even if there is a real abortion, they can just tank the case in the most strategically effectve way. And even if they somehow win, they just don’t actually collect.

So, lawbros, why hasn’t this happened?

But seriously, there is an actual precedent that there must be a genuine controversy between litigants. You’re not allowed to manufacture test cases.