The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

But if he were replaced it might tip a couple of Senate seats and cost the GOP the majority. Then it’s hello 11 member Supreme Court, or whatever. That’s perhaps an ideal, but there would be some consequences to replacing him, though they range from trivial to significant for the GOP (but when has the GOP not gambled to achieve its goals).

You mean like a rapist with a drinking problem?


The consequences would be trivial or non-existent. Joe Biden is not packing the Supreme Court.



  1. thinking McConnell wouldn’t jam whoever through the Senate and not realizing that at least Manchin would vote for that person

  2. thinking Joe Biden would pack SCOTUS


Only if you have evidence of rape that would be sufficient to convict in a criminal trial.

Which must be obtained in a timely manner before they rush the vote, through the FBI only (with Barr running interference), and on video.

I’m willing to think outside the box. Would you be willing to expose Republican Senators to COVID-19 and force enough of them to self-quarantine so that McConnell doesn’t have enough votes?

Stop being ridiculous. You know they’re getting the vote if this happens. Nobody is giving them covid, they’re not going to self-quarantine if they get covid and a SCOTUS vote is coming up, etc, etc.

If Alito retires, he’s getting replaced with a conservative justice this year.

I’m open to digging into the lives of Republicans at an unprecedented level and trying to find some kompromat to blackmail them into staying home and feigning illness. I wish there were more Democrats who were willing to think that way.

I feel there is a decent shot the Alito retirement is an effort to get R’s to come out and vote because of Judges. Would be uncouth to say they need Trump to get a second term so he can replace a dead RBG, so instead they’ll pretend Alito wants to retire.

I expect we’ll see something about how Alito is waiting to retire until after the election.

Not with the odds being what they are. They’re either going to ram it through before the election for a for sure thing or not at all. Gambling a Supreme Court seat for increased turnout on an election you’re likely to lose wouldn’t be a good bet.

I’m not saying that Alito will commit to retiring, I’m saying that the Hugh Hewitt’s will float that notion. Basically a way to make the “JUDGES” argument more concrete, without any actual news.

Then if Trump loses, Alito and all R’s will just ignore that the story was ever out there (and even if he wins, it probably won’t happen).

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Republican Senators in close races would find some excuse to move the confirmation vote into the lame duck period and then ram through the Trump nominee. This will maximize their strategic position and also liberal outrage.


Well that is great news since Mitch won’t replace justices in an election year.


This race to the youngest judge is gonna result in Thomas stepping down to be replaced by a fetus.

No worries thanks to Roberts we can have Biden abort the new judge.

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I mean as I said Biden definitely won’t pack the supreme court but its possible a dem that comes after him does as I’m sure even moderate democrats will be pissed about this and McConnell will give them the political cover and capital to do it. Assuming we continue our trend going further left.

No new decisions today? I thought someone had posted that there would be.

New decisions will be released on Monday from what I heard.