The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Imagine being Alito. A total sell-out, his entire life spent in advocacy of a right-wing political takeover of the judiciary, and broke. What a dope.

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So, yes, it would be terrible.

There is no world in which he retires now and is not replaced before the election. It’s the entire reason he’d even consider it.

If Alito retires it’ll be the biggest egg on Democratic faces. It would highlight just how much the Supreme Court isn’t independent at all but’s been evolved to be captured by and to have become another arm of the political parties.

Of course it’s that already, but there wouldn’t even be the artifice.

IDK if mcconnell rams through someone it increases the chances that we get justices 10 and 11 by… some percent… right?

Beyond the real world implications of this, the worst part will be watching a bunch of smarmy libs playing clips of Mitch in 2016 saying that a justice can’t be appointed in an election year as if their hypocrisy matters in any way.


With President Biden? I can’t imagine that happening.

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If you consider 0 to be “some percent”, then yes, yes it does.


Yeah exactly. Like naked hypocrisy means anything at all to the right.

That will be extremely annoying.

If Alito retires and is replaced by Trump, that will be the last straw and Democrats will expand the court when Biden is elected.

Wow, I managed to type that with a straight face.


I have edited my post for posterity.


I disagree. There are just too many old institutionalist Democrats. Bernie wouldn’t even get rid of the filibuster to achieve his goals. They still live in the old world of comity, handshake deals, good faith, etc.

It’s really going to take a new guard to envision a new way of doing things

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We are drawing live to Trump tapping an improperly vetted disaster that even a highly partisan GOP Senate can’t confirm.


Sorry, I didn’t make my sarcasm clear enough. I agree with everything in this post.

lol, it could be Kushner and they would push it through.

Yeah they have to not fuck up under a ton of pressure.

My bad :slight_smile:

I don’t think its possible to really be broke, any judge probably retires with a pension of at least 100,000 and I would assume a SC judge is looking at upwards of 200,000 to 300,000. For life. Indexed to inflation.

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Don’t act like he won’t be the only “employee” of some think tank paying him $500k/yr when he “retires.” His kids will have whatever they want for life too.


Hia disclosures say he has up to $6M, along with a 40 year federal pension. Though he would have easy access to $1M+/yr for his picture on a website and the occasional client meeting.