The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I’ve decided that this is the thought process of every supreme court justice. Not only that, it’s probably true of the vast majority of judges in general.

Whats the chance we get tax rulings today?

No tax ruling today. Although it sounds like they ruled 5-4 that you’d fucking better accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior.

Montana decision is legit awful, back to LOL Roberts

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So I’m way behind on understanding this case. But do Jewish and Muslim faith schools receive the tax credit as well as Christian faith schools? Reminds me of the Mulford act: I just create a lot of “Madras” and wait for the snap tax credit shut down for all private schools.

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I actually think the outcome of the decision does make sense.

The Montana scholarship program excluded religious schools through “Rule 1”, issued by the Montana Department of Revenue. A trial court struck down the rule. The Montana Supreme Court decided that, with Rule 1 removed, the entire program was unconstitutional according to the Montana State Constitution. It ruled on the overall law unmodified by Rule 1 because it also ruled that the department exceeded its authority in issuing the rule.

If the Montana Supreme Court ruled correctly, then the program should remain invalidated. If the Montana Supreme Court ruled incorrectly as to the unconstitutionality of the program, then it should be re-instituted without Rule 1 in place, unless the SCOTUS also ruled that the Department of Revenue did not exceed its authority in issuing Rule 1, something that may be beyond the jurisdiction of the Court.

Had the Montana Supreme Court not ruled that Rule 1 was not allowed or had the state legislature included it when the program was created, perhaps the outcome would be different.

Am I the only one who pictures the Montana Supreme Court convening in a fancy log cabin with a bunch of hunting trophies hanging on the walls?


Re: Roberts

Will the president be compelled to produce tax returns to any of the parties seeking them in Trump v. Mazars USA, LLP or associated cases before November 3rd, 2020? (Poll is public):

  • Yes (9-0)
  • Yes (5-4)
  • Yes (other vote)
  • No (5-4)
  • No (other vote)
  • No (PUUUNT back to lower court)

0 voters


also are we not guaranteed the tax ruling this week? I thought this was the last week? Also are these rulings already done and written and they just roll em out like this for funzies slowly or are they writing the rulings now even though the decision has already been made, or are they just now doing the vote on these cases?

There’s some chance that they are still debating. Nothing is set in stone until the opinion is released, so some drafted opinions are written and circulated internally with the intention of trying to sway swing votes.

My guess is that the last opinion of the term is still at least two weeks away. It’s been a weird term for obvious reasons and arguments for cases went on for longer than normal.

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Edit: For future historians, this is a bad take by me, driven entirely by my hatred for Alito. I recognize that replacing him with another young conservative justice would be terrible news for the court. All roasting of this post is appropriate.


this would be bad right? Trump appoints another kav clone?

I mean Alito is already super bad but yes itll suck because they’ll be like 40 years old so another seat locked up for 30 years. Republicans are probably enticing him to do it.

Huh? This would be terrible if it happened. They’d swap a 70-year-old for a 50-something. If Alito and Thomas both retired right now, SCOTUS would be locked conservative for like 15 years.

If he retired and they were able to replace him now, I agree terrible.

But I hate Alito so much that I still don’t think I could suppress the tingles in my nether regions.

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