The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

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Reason A#1 why the Supreme Court needs to be expanded.

No tax decision today

What does this mean?

Not much. Faithless electors are rare and most states don’t have those laws.

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Given how late in the term it was argued and the political sensitivities, I would expect it to be released on the last day that decisions are announced. I think that is at least two weeks from now.

What’s missing is Colorado Dept. of State v. Baca. The case was originally consolidated with Chiafalo, but then separated because Sotomayor recused herself due to personal friendship with an involved party. That case involved a faithless elector who was replaced with an alternate elector after trying to cast a vote for John Kasich.

The Court issued a per curiam opinion today upholding that replacement, citing the same reasoning as Chiafalo.

So, what happened was the Court ruled that states can sanction faithless electors. This meant that a law fining faithless electors was upheld. Then, the Court quickly noted that this meant that a law removing faithless electors was also upheld in a decision that was technically separate, but which was decided at the same time.

That requires too much explanation for a story such as the one you linked to, but it is true that the SCOTUS ruled today that states can remove faithless electors.

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Probably ponied :thinking:

More decisions this week?

This got me thinking about why there aren’t just massive payoffs for people retiring from the court? I know they land safely and do get payoffs, but Alito should be able to hold out for like 100m from some rich group that wants a 25-year-old FedSoc douche on the court before Trump leaves office.

And just in general this seems like a potential problem. One that benefits conservatives more since they’re fine with payoffs and paying people off.

If it happened, are you sure you’d know about it?


I mean it has already sorta happened in the past three years with Kennedy retiring and then someone paying off Kavanaugh’s debts. Buying judges is an American pastime I thought?

Imaginary sky king once again fucking rules the fucking day


How can a publicly traded corporation have a “moral or religious objection” to contraception? GTFO


This Trump taxes situation is so interesting. Forget all the legal arguments and look at the actual situation…

John Roberts has to decide if he wants to 1. potentially put the final nail in Trumps coffin, possibly pushing the GOP senators heads further under water or 2. create an excellent case for packing the court if the Dems win the Senate, also possibly help further radicalize the Democratic base, particularly the young.

I almost don’t care what he does. This is an awful spot to be in and if our opponents are in these spots we’re definitely winning.


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