The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

ahh you are right, i just conflated what he said about the talmud. still, i stand by my comparison of religion and law.

New 5-4 says the justices only work a few months out of thE year and hardly work

What do they mean specifically though? Like attendance at work? The thing is that the massive over achiever people like an RBG will spend all their time outside of formal work hours doing … more work. Like writing books about their work, attending conferences about their work, mentoring other people in their field, reading law cases for the hell of it, etc etc etc. I am married to a super elite professional in her field and when her work “slows down” to less than 40 hours a week she just applies for another research grant and starts a new project.

I don’t doubt that Drunky McDrunkface is coasting on the minimum number of hours required but I think he’s a disgraceful outlier who got appointed strictly as part of the culture wars. But I think the SC is largely made up of the over achiever types.

Honestly not sure if this should go here or the LOL LAW thread, but here you go. A perfect opportunity for Biden to play the “John Roberts has made his ruling, now let him enforce it” card that will go by the wayside. Looking forward to many more MAGA judges making laughable rulings and having them become the law of the land moving forward.

Characterizing ignoring the SCOTUS as something desirable and pretending that not doing it reflects poorly on the Administration is shameful.

I was gonna engage but then I remembered who I was dealing with so I’ll just give you a nice :+1: and move on.

For once Iron is right, ignoring supreme court rulings would turn out very badly for the dems. Republicans would exploit that much better and way further than dems.

Although even in some fantasy land where we get massive victories in 2022, get like 56 senate seats and a big house lead, and pack the court, Republicans 100% ignore the new court.

All roads lead to WAAF

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Dems rolling over and letting Mitch steal a SCOTUS seat continues to be the dumbest political move in my lifetime.


depending on how you count, mitch stole two


Instead of outright ignoring SCOTUS, Biden just needs to take a page from the Trump playbook: declare a fictitious emergency and use that as a pretense to do what you want. Then when 18 months pass and SCOTUS rules definitively on the ruling being invalid, do it again to reflect whatever the new situation is.

Ignoring the SCOTUS directly lends too much legitimacy to it.


Dems should be going full scorched earth right now to get Breyer to resign. Just utter incompetence that they’ve given up an entire branch of government without a fight.


There is no scorched earth barring outright extortion. The Dems have no leverage over Breyer other than saying mean things in WaPo which would make him dig in more. If you’re going to start assassinating justices it might as well be Republicans.

He has failgrandsons who don’t want to be blackballed from ever getting chushy patronage jobs, no? Maybe one of them wants to be ambassador to Jamaica? Biden’s the damned POTUS, he can find leverage.

Or impeach him for whatever made up bs.

That’s one possible explanation.

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This only works when SCOTUS doesn’t really want to stop you. They are much quicker at dropping the hammer when a D is doing things they don’t like than when an R is doing something illegal that they don’t really mind letting go. Remember how quick they stayed the Clean Power Plan at the end of Obama’s administration? The judiciary magically becomes super fast and effective when they want to be.

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GOP much more likely to dole out cushy patronage jobs to his failprogeny than Dems

Meh, not in my limited experience. That shit is rampant in Florida, at least. But it is FLoLida.

R judges are going to continue strategically retiring while Dems take the high road. 9-0 coming baby!

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See this you’re definitely wrong about. The GOP doesn’t have anything approaching a monopoly on nepotism.