The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

no I agree with you in the general case, I was talking specifically about Bryer and this particular situation. If you’re looking to get the max here, then the GOP is almost certainly willing to “bid higher” than the dems.

Meh, I agree with all of this, but this ruling is just awful. In fact, it’s basically like how six Mitch McConnell’s would have rules in this spot and basically accomplishes from the bench what you imply of the gop legislature in your post.

They’re essentially saying that GOP presidents (Trump) get to set immigration policy; they will uphold it. Then they will continue to uphold it even after said GOP President is no longer in office, basically allowing him to rule in absentia and denying the Dem president the right to set basically any immigration policy at all! And like a freaking district court (appointed by the aforementioned GOP president) did it.

It’s just a horrible ruling, like really really really bad and blatantly partisan.


Yeah the court is super fucked and so are we. Right now more than 50% of Dems approve of this court lmao. So even if some magical shit happened and we overcame voter suppression this is going to be our court for a long time.

We really needed what the polls were showing in 2020 and completely crushed and got like 56 Senate seats.

We also needed someone who doesnt have dementia to lead the judiciary committee to rile up democrats and make them furious at this shit

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I don’t think it’s about dementia or even age. The problem is that they don’t care. I mean, they think it’s the wrong decision, but it doesn’t affect them in any way personally so the amount of fucks they give is severely limited.


Democrats have brain poisoning


Lolololol. This entirely because the establishment and media portray it this way. We really need our own version of right wing radio and fox. Problem is there is no big money behind leftist ideals.

Because rich people will never actually fund this shit we need to crowd source it.

Mostly I need to stop paying attention to this horse shit

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Democrats believe all compromise is good, that the solution is always in the middle, and the media constantly praises Roberts for moving away from the right. There’s a kernel of truth there that is used to hide the larger truth-- dude is a disaster.

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the only possible way this makes sense is if they asked “compared to the other possible justices Bush might have actually named to this seat, what do you think of this guy?”

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This isn’t hard they like him because he “saved obamacare” and gave us gay marriage despite you know wrecking our democracy with CU.

Yes this. Hell he’s RBG compared to Alito

that’s kinda dumb, because bush appointed both, and even if you correctly categorize alito as a far right extremist, roberts is at least center right, if not simply right wing.

The painful truth is that most democrats are fucking morons


I mean most people are morons period, so the math checks out.


Oh cool, time for a homelessness crisis I guess

JR approval rating going to the moon after this one.

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Meanwhile congress still on recess and putting zero effort into fixing this

tbf there’s literally nothing they can do to get it past a fillibuster

and even if they end the fillibuster they don’t have the votes, this seems like something they’d never be able to get sinnema to agree to

Try and point to Sinema and Republicans for why so many people are being evicted and thrown on the streets. Lot better than lol dems didn’t even fucking try to prevent it.

Also they could likely put something in the reconciliation bill.

no I agree with you, staying on vacation while this happens isn’t going to help their election chances, but let’s not conflate “actually fixing it” with “managing optics for the next election cycle”

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