The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I think roberts has pretty clearly signaled that he does value the long-term legacy for both the court in general and himself.

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Yeah fair point. I was thinking more about Drunky McDrunkface and The Handmaid.

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Right, he was counting on Republicans to carry out the evil shit in a less salient way. You can just hear him screaming “you assholes, I gave you the green light to do racist voting laws under the radar, this shit is making me look bad!”

He’s first and foremost a GOP political operative but he does care about not being easily labeled as one. Our idiotic media has made this much easier for him than it should be.

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I’m obviously referring to political backlash at the polls guys come the fuck on.

If roe v Wade is repealed there will be massive, massive democratic turnout in the mid terms with a focus on court packing.

Vs death by a thousand cuts where nobody notices and no huge midterm turnout

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I understood what you meant.

But I disagree here.


I don’t think it’s that. Like, I don’t think he’d object to being labeled an ideologue as long as people all agree that he “followed the law” to a T.

Yea this. Maybe there will be protests for a few months but then it will move on like with everything else. And they know better not to do it in an election cycle.

um, it’s not like they’re going to hear this case then issue a ruling next week.

Also they probably won’t nuke Roe all at once. NPR interviewed some attorney from National Right to Life Council yesterday and even he thinks it will be gradual and incremental.

Yeah, one mistake people make when they talk about Roe is acting like “over turning it” or “nuking it” will be some blatant and resounding opinion. It almost certainly won’t. It’s will be something that’s subtle, like allowing states to impose whatever burdens or restrictions they want to the ability to get an abortion.

@StimAbuser is right. They know if they officially overturn Roe it will be nitro to the democratic base. That is why their clear goal is to dismantle access to the point that Roe is meaningless.

SCOTUS has passed on some opportunities to do just that though wrt the hospital privileging stuff and other shenanigans.

I disagree. I mean, I’m not sure how much more nitro will get people to vote Dem. The Dems barely squeaked out a win against one of the worst humans on the planet. If voting against trump wasn’t enough nitro, I doubt the overturning of Roe will do much more.


Roberts has tried to gut affirmative action programs and the VRA CONSISTENTLY. Your boy wrote:

“Our country has changed,” Roberts wrote in the opinion he delivered that day, Shelby County v. Holder . It has wiped away so much of its racist past that the “extraordinary measures” employed by a key provision of the Voting Rights Act could no longer be justified.


Does it matter if their voting rights are systematically suppressed? The Rs seem to do better when they shamelessly kick in the front door, not when they sneak around the back.

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90% of republicans don’t care about abortion and would snap pay for an abortion if they knocked up one of their mistresses. They just use it as a wedge issue to help turn out their evangelical base. They are savvy enough to know they don’t actually want Roe overturned, they just need to keep up the fight and look like they are doing something.

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It’s tough to judge these things based on one or two particular instances they passed up. They can’t control what cases make it up through the system, and so the reason the Court hasn’t acted could just as easily be that looking for a particular set of facts on which to act, rather than that they don’t want to further erode abortion rights.

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I suppose so, but I think y’all aren’t framing the psychology of the court correctly. It’s way more complicated than evil republican operatives, you have to remember that they view themselves as the good guys. They simply aren’t thinking like they’re part of some conspiracy to aide their team. They really do think they are the good guys, even if that’s obviously bullshit.

The people influencing scotus definitely think that way, and I share the concerns of the erosion of abortion rights, but I don’t think it will go down like that.

I dont think this is true of Drunk Guy. He seems to have been literally bought off, like his finances don’t hang together at all and there are unexplained gaps in the hundreds if thousands of dollars. He’s working for rich people for compensation period.