The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

He’s not.

That said, if Kagan/Sotomayor/Breyer are going to be joined by two others in a 5-4 decision, one of them is going to be Roberts nearly 100% of the time.

Who is framing them as monochrome villains? That’s not my intent. They are ideologues who have been groomed, vetted, and hand picked by Fed Soc because their ideology aligns with what Fed Soc wants. Fed Socs project for like my entire lifetime has been to identify ideologues and weeds out people who aren’t purists before they get nominated for the bench. So we know what these people’s views are, and chief among them is that abortion is bad and roe needs to be overturned. That doesn’t mean that they are going to do it in a cartoonishly obvious or dramatic way.

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You should listen to 5-4. They put in their opinion their strategy and intention to hear certain cases or set up certain cases in particular. They lay it all out very strategically.

If you don’t think nuking VRA and citizens united was a strategic play to help their ideology then how the hell do you frame that as them seeing themselves as good guys just doing the right things. They constantly contradict themselves in rulings in cases where they want good outcomes for conservatives long term.

Your thinking is the exact thing wrong with the liberals on the court. They still think its the way you think, when its the other way and has been clear to every unbiased expert on the court for decades.

Of course they think they are the good guys. They are wrong, but it’s seems obviously true that they view something like overturning Roe or CU as the right thing and the liberals are the evil ones.

Agree completely. That’s why I’m a little surprised that this case happened in the first place and will be heard by the court. Republicans are always saying “elect us, and we’ll ban abortion”. Then they get elected to Governorships, and to state legislatures. Conservative judges are appointed to courts. And does abortion ever get banned? Nope. Like, how many Republicans do you need to elect before you ban abortion. If you want to ban it so damn much, ban it. See how that works out for you.

Sure, my issue was more that they aren’t strategic Republican operatives. They absolutely 100% are and its clear as day. Everything they do is set up and preplanned in order to further their ideology.

I took issue with this. Remove the evil part and the rest of this is true. They are 100% part of a strategic goal to further conservative and Republican ideology and power.

It’s way more complicated than evil republican operatives , you have to remember that they view themselves as the good guys. They simply aren’t thinking like they’re part of some conspiracy to aide their team

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It isn’t legally banned but it’s de facto banned in a growing part of the country. Having a legal right that you are unable to exercise is worthless and that’s good enough if all you care about is people not having abortions.

And it’s a win-win for the GOP because they can still continue to campaign on eliminating the 200 abortions a year that their deplorable state performs, or whatever. If the “threat” is completely eliminated, voters may (god forbid) move onto other issues like stuff that actually affects their financial well-being, and nobody wants that.

lol, no one is afraid of getting the Democrats “riled up.”

Is it though? I’m nowhere close to knowing the real situation. Can women wanting abortions really not get them? Seems like we’d be hearing much more about that, if that were the case.

If only people were…{"colId":"Abortion%20Rate","sort":"desc"}

Unless you think women are 7-8x more likely to want an abortion in New York or Florida as they are in Missouri, it’s clear that there are a lot of women in these states who want abortions and can’t get them.


Yeah if we had a Democratic party that wasn’t fully incompetent they might make a big deal about this kind of thing.

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In blue (at the state gov’t level anyways) states abortion access is by and large a non-issue. However red states have been slowly chipping away at it like a frog in boiling water. They are implementing shit like waiting periods, forced doctor lectures, you may be 100’s of miles from the nearest clinic due to onerous requirement, the time window where abortion is allowed is continuously shrinking, etc. There are several deep red states now with only one abortion clinic.


And I think that’s where you probably have a division between the true believers and the average casual racist deplorable, the former is probably deeply disturbed that abortion is still allowed anywhere and demands a nationwide ban, and the latter is probably more than happy that they personally can afford for their girlfriend/daughter/whatever to cross state lines for an abortion if needed (while “those people” are still being punished like they should be for having casual sex).


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I do think there are some sincere religious objections to abortion (it’s why the conservatives on the Court are so highly Catholic), but also suspect it’s more important as an general organizing principle for the right wing when they can’t just openly organize around white supremacy and segregation anymore, which most would prefer. There’s definitely an element of “blue is the best color” where abortion serves as a symbolic unifying element of various right wing ideologies so they can better define who is and isn’t on the team.

Every once in a while I remember that a full 1/3rd of the United States Supreme Court was installed by Donald fucking Trump. A one term president who probably got illegal help from Russia to win in the first place ran so good that he got to to put 3 absolute garbage human beings in lifetime appointment seats on the highest court. The 3 before that took 11 years over three presidential terms. Got to go back to Reagan to see the most recent president who got 3 seats, and that was over two terms. Just fucking nauseating to think about how rigged the whole game is.


Game was rigged out in the open. The ref was taking and counting Benjamin’s out at mid court.

Meanwhile Breyer is going to stay on through midterms and then a Republican Senate will just not confirm a replacement.