The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything


Mark the date.

On this, the third day of the month of May, in the Year of our Lord 2021, Clarence Thomas wrote an opinion that I agree with:

(It was a dissent, and the court once again denied cert to someone trying to challenge the Feres precedent)

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The only way this would end well would be both Roberts and Kavanaugh or Gorsuch decide they don’t want to overturn Casey. I think that’s extremely unlikely considering all are openly hostile to abortion rights.

This is what you get when you put a bunch of religious fanatics on SCOTUS.

Yay, Handmaids Tale here we come.

Only if you’re poor.



Abortion will still be legal in a bunch of states, but obviously poor or young women who can’t travel to those states are screwed.

I’m not sure if still the case, but isn’t it true that there are very few abortion clinics that exist in conservative states anyway at this point? Like one in Texas, one in Missouri, etc.

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Yeah pretty much. In real world terms all this will do is placate their base. I hope they do it at this point. Anything that hurts the legitimacy of the supreme court is good now sadly.

It placates more than their base, that’s the problem.

Yes, but think even in those states you can get an abortion pill from lots of other medical providers, the handful of “abortion clinics” are primarily to serve the poor. And that’s why rich white women in those states don’t really care.

Politically smart move seems to be to keep nibbling away so as to functionally ban abortion in red states while nominally not overruling Roe

Yes which is exactly why I hope the overturn Roe.

Hot take but the Supreme Court rocking something that can be spun as an abortion ban–or, perhaps more likely, represented fairly as one–would actually increase our chances of avoiding some of the most dystopian fascist futures we are rapidly moving into.


I agree fully with this take. Right now the last thing we need is for the GOP’s attempt to retreat to respectability to succeed. We need them to fail totally and for their awfulness to get rubbed in the face of every single likely voter as constantly as possible.

Abortion rights actually poll pretty well, but the problem they have is that the people who are for abortion rights don’t care to the same level as the anti abortion fanatics. Actually blowing up Roe would be a disaster for the GOP politically because it might flip that tendency the other way.

If Roberts was the swing vote I would be almost certain of an outcome that nominally upholds Roe. However they now have 5 certifiable nutjobs who are balls deep in Federalist Society asshattery.


…are all true believers.

Eh, I dunno.

It feels like we go the through “X would be a disaster for the GOP politically” thought experiment quite frequently. Then the GOP does X anyway, and turns out it’s not a disaster for the GOP.


Yeah, this. They’ve won total victory on guns and are still campaigning as if they’re victims of oppression on the subject. It’ll be the same with abortion.


Not until every teacher in America open carries an AK-47 in class.

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