The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

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guns, guns everywhere

The whole progression of the 2A over my lifetime has been like some kind horror movie. The proliferation of guns is causing so much harm, mass shootings are a daily occurrence and our country is in the grips of total psychopaths that think the only solution is more guns and won’t stop until guns are literally everywhere.

Yea this is gonna be bad. Apparently the court hasn’t taken a look at the 2A because checks notes CLARENCE THOMAS of all people thinks something needs to be done. So they waited until ACB was on the court.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Hardest working commas in all the world. Somehow it turns into

the right OF THE RIGHT people to keep and bear Arms SHALL NOT EVER BE FUCKING infringed."



“…and also WELL REGULATED means not regulated AT ALL EVER”

The 5-4 on DC v Heller was illuminating, the extent to which the gun rights logic is complete BS.

Also subscribing to this thread because it’s going to be a very rocky summer, and a nice preview of upcoming 5-4 episodes.

A black militia should show up in front of the Supreme Court with 100 AR-15’s and scream all the right wing nutter talking points.

They’ll be shot by the police

Not if they shoot the police first.

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Effing stolen two seats. 6-3 keep that kid in jail and now 6-3 or 5-4 on concealed carry.

What bullshit.

13 now.

It’s been clear that today’s GOP has a similar trajectory as the Nazis in the early 1930’s.

Are you saying we’ll be able to hang a bunch of them by 2040?


These guys are willing to destroy the country in order to stay in power.

Something is definitely going to give. Remains to be seen.

I mean, not you personally, some other guy. But you’ll be rooting for him!

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Please stop with this.

Locking up kids whose brain is like 5 years away from even being fully formed.

People change, even adults. I read some study that you have no more personality correlation with yourself from 20 years ago than you do with a random person.

I used to be for life for a lot of crimes. Now I think anyone who was young and stupid, and particularly in the wrong crowd, deserves a second chance. Even young adults.


I don’t doubt that there are those beyond repair-whether born wo a moral compass and had it ripped out of them after a childhood of horror. So I’m fine with something like the “incorrigible” standard that they just overturned. But this case just screams out for a chance to get back into society. Guy killed one of his tormentors. He didn’t torture people for the fun of it.