The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

It’s gonna be fun when half the dems wring their hands about expanding the court while Republicans threaten pre-emptive civil war for even mentioning it.

Republicans have such an asymmetric advantage in that they can be rank hypocrites and never hear a peep from 95% of their base - who just want to win and troll libs. Meanwhile the dem base actually thinks about things like fairness and shame.


The Dem base isn’t going to care after this. We are so used to their Washington Generals routine that we’re conditioned to accept it, but there is legitimate, widespread outrage now. Moving forward they’re going to be singularly focused on destroying the GOP, and rightfully so.

Of course, the GOP knows this, which is why they’re all in. I haven’t really believed that violence is likely to this point, and I still don’t, but with both sides seeing this as an all or nothing election there are some really bad outcomes on the table.


We are drawing very very live to no called winner on 11/3, Joe wins easily some time in the next 0-13 days, 300+ EVs, 10 mil pop vote winner, and in mid December the Supreme Court ruling 5-4 that Trump is President with no real legal logic behind it. Its absolutely on the horizon.


A lot of this crap on twitter by supposed independents who still randomly capitalize things like derpers.

Ah! Well. Nevertheless.

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I mean, if I were a totally neutral arbitrator trying to devise a reasonable election system, I wouldn’t want to let jabronis casually drop their ballots in the mail on Election Day and make everyone else sweat it out for a week waiting for their dumbass ballot to arrive.

Really wish the rules were just more clear, like your ballot counts no matter what if dropped in the mail a week before the election, otherwise go early vote, use a dropbox or vote day of.

I’m not sure Thomas makes it another a 4 years. There could even be a scenario where he just quits. I dont think Thomas or Alito have 8 years left in them. So we need two presidential terms. And given the current state the Senate as well

We are in this new Era where Supreme Court seats only get filled when the one party hold both the Presidency and the Senate. Thats Goul Mconnel’S legacy. And I don’t think Mitch makes finishes his term either. At leased based on the recent pictures of his hands. But then again zombies don’t die.

I think this will further mobilize Democrats to vote early. It isn’t at all clear at this point that the late mail in votes will favor Biden, unless I’m missing something. This could all end up being a massive self-own.

It would be if not for the well known rule of “never mind then, you were right, lol.”

Depends, who holds the Senate?

I predict that Alito, Thomas and McConnell all age better than this post.

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Yes. If your a dem then you save the life of a republican knowing they will likely to try and kill you after you save them.

In a nutshell that is the difference in ideaology in the two parties.

I hope this one of those rare times that you are dead wrong

Me too brother.

So could the Dems telling everyone to vote by mail. Who’s more likely to have self-owned, the Globetrotters or the Generals?

I can’t even conceive of an argument that early in person votes and mail in votes received before election day should not be counted. I suppose the courts could go there, but it would be a blatant coup. I think the “Proud Boys storm the counting place on 11/4” scenario is more plausible.

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I mean there’s gotta be a more than 50 percent chance a right wing militia tries to storm a counting place, right?

So Joe has to win by, what, 8% to actually win?

Any chance SCOUTS could rule court-packing illegal for reasons?

They can rule whatever they want for whatever reason they want. In this specific example it would be a Constitutional crisis.