The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

The country is fked

Nailed it.

Feeling very doomer tonight

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I loved her tweet but that’ll be in every one of their ads for the next week fwiw

There will be some kind of poll showing Biden leading PA tomorrow to cheer us all up.

Nah it will cheer up those that think the votes will matter

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I’m pretty sure ACB’s current clerks go with her.

They’re even more ecstatic than Mitch for sure. Auto SC clerkship that they very likely wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. I haven’t looked at where ACB’s clerks go, so if it turns out she is a decent feeder judge, then maybe they had a shot. But this is still much better for them.

Coronavirus headed to SCOTUS one time?

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I hope the people outraged by the Trump got covid won’t hate me, but if Biden wins I’m very activey rooting for 6 specific deaths.


Fuck we do NOT need covid heading to SCOTUS. Breyer will bite it and they’ll get another one before the election. Or Thomas and they’ll put a 25 year old on.

Would you throw them a life preserver if they were drowning as you walked past, they had no chance to survive otherwise, and you were sure that no else was looking?

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This is the most waaf I’ve felt thus far. This is a dark day in American history. Between ACB conformation and Trump clearly stating he will try to stop the count, I’m really not enjoying this.

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How many people’s heads do I have to step on and drown to make the throw?

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Why does it matter if no one is watching?

You’re the hero we need

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No new information today. We already knew she was getting confirmed and we already knew the election is lost if it gets to the courts. Of course it is an outrage but it doesn’t fundamentally change anything.


This sticker is starting to make more sense. Maybe the dude was a gun-loving lefty in a souped-up truck. I didn’t see the back, but there were no other outward political signs - which is odd for a Trumper. There are usually little flags and shit everywhere.


Yeah, that Kav opinion today says it all. Can’t count the votes lest they may “flip” the election. WAAF.


Replacing RGB with someone to the right of Scalia is so fucking depressing.

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Yeah I’m in no way endorsing or supporting violence or criminal activity of any sort.

That said, with the amount of people so utterly destroyed by this sham confirmation, what would happen in a hypothetical where Biden wins the election, is sworn into office in January, and then a newly confirmed justice suffered an unfortunate murder?

Elections have consequences, I guess? It really is a shame it has come to this, but there are a lot of crazy people out there, some of which are going to be pretty upset about this perceived injustice. Seems like one person could set into motion a catastrophic series of events, which is extremely disconcerting.