The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything


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Trump is as likely to start up a business teaching race sensitivity courses as ACB is to uphold Roe.


I think its likely the supreme court just absolutely guts Roe V Wade to the point its completely ineffective rather than full repeal which would give liberals a massive turnout boost plus demand to pack the court.

I expect the court to very political about hot button issues like that until they have a complete stranglehold on democracy. They will completely gut voting rights and rig elections first, so Roe V Wade is probably safe for like 4-8 years.


Trolling of me: successful

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Mitch’s speech included the words “elections have consequences.”

Let’s prove him right.



fuck off

Some elections have consequences. Obama’s, not so much.


Man I had stopped paying attention to the news over the last couple of weeks and completely forgot about this debacle until my phone rudely reminded me. However I came up with an elegant solution for Dems: make the arbitrary rule that Justices appointed by one-term Presidents can be dismissed by the next President.

The nightmare has begun and is bringing a storm, one way or the other Trump wins this election, get ready for ultimate lawnmower activity on UP from now on…

She’s gonna bring hell to earth

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Hopefully we get to hang Mitch with his own words in a few months.

or, like, whatever is handy


While I’m going to save my rage for actual events, I think there is a very real benefit to progressives pounding away at their elected officials that the same old shit isn’t going to fly, up to and including major donors telling Chuck and Nancy that the Washington Generals routine will result in well-funded primary challengers.

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I get that lots of people are fully dug in on that point of view, but there is plenty of money coming from the progressive wing that needs to be more intelligently deployed.


Do RBG’s clerks go to work for ACB tommorow?

I mean Roberts opinion was always bullshit. It wasn’t too radical for him, he just wanted to make sure Republicans win without making the court seem partisan.

He would snap do it again in a 5-4

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Of course not.

How does it work then? I thought all the clerks were hired like once every two years or something, does ACB have to go out and hire clerks? Are the RBG clerks just not Supreme Court clerks any more?