The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

8 days and only 60 posts later…

Wait so McConell is assuming dems sweep now?

unfair accusation

Man for some reason the gif keeps converting to a still jpg :(



If Angus Fucking King is saying that, that is a very good sign.

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fuck, i just realized that this expected red shift on election day is creating some mighty incentives for Rs to just sink all the way down to ballot-stuffing. there is no bottom, and ballot-stuffing isn’t even close to it.

waaf. i have only one pitchfork.

I’ve been saying for awhile I think there is a good chance this happens if we get enough seats. It’s not a progressive position. They will do this purely out of self interest. They know they can’t survive if the 6-3 is just nuking all voting rights, nuking all their legislation, and just purely turning them into an ineffectual party. I mean even people like Schumer are talking about it.

They might put on a show until 2022 hoping to gain even more seats/ not wanting to drive up massive GOP turnout and wait for more bad cases from the new supreme court to build outrage, but I think its a favorite to happen. Especially if we can get Feinstein in a cabinet.

I think the move is do a bunch of bi-partisan committees, while nuking the filibuster to pass stimulus, pass voting rights stuff, then the night before the election have the house send over the bill to pack the court to the senate.

2022 senate map is super favorable for us, so its possible GOP wins the house but loses seats in the senate just like 2018. But I think with stumulus and getting covid under control we should be in great shape in 2022. I’m hoping Trump woke most democratic voters up to the importance of congress and midterms, and social media will be great for driving up turnout. But if not and we still have the senate we can still pack the court even if they win the house. Would be a pretty GOP level move.

Also I hope they learned from Trump that you absolutely HAVE to use the bully pulpit to drive up turnout in elections. Dude got record turnout for Republicans. Have Joe/Kamala/Obama campaigning in every state with important seats up saying if they win the house or senate, there will be no more stimulus, they will block everything, there will be no more funding for covid, there will be no more funding for safe schools.

Though it wouldn’t surprise me if Obama doesn’t want to do it, dude seems super salty he wasn’t able to get anything done and he would not be happy if Joe ends up getting way more done than him.

Did you mean Biden’s cabinet, or are we locking her in an actual cabinet?



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Make her ambassador of Nambia

I forgot who I made the bet with, but please ship your donation to Planned Parenthood after ACB confirmed.

Man even Joe Manchin is currently on TV raging about the GOP’s bullshit. I remain pessimistic but Mitch’s behavior is so absurd he’s all but forcing a retaliation.

LOL nevermind now he’s saying hes against court packing “because the GOP will do it next time.” They already did it bro.




How about Narnia?

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Too old she might get the reference. Grand ambassador to Wakanda is better.


Time to set this thread’s settings to “Normal.” Definitely don’t want to hear shit about the vote tonight other than the WaPo alert that will show up on my phone.

i was going to suggest wakanda.

oh i see wakanda is taken. changing recommendation to hong kong