The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything


If I’m reading the SCOTUS opinion correctly, the case went like this:

  • Some localities wanted to do curbside voting to limit Covid exposure.

  • Alabama Secretary of State prohibits local jurisdictions from doing that. Basically argues that there should be uniform procedures, shouldn’t change this close to the election, etc.

  • Case gets filed in Federal Court using the Americans with Disabilities Act as the hook .
    Argument is that local jurisdictions that want to should be allowed to make accommodations to protect people from Covid exposure, especially people with underlying conditions that make them more vulnerable. District Court says, that sounds reasonable. If local areas want to do curbside they can, but don’t have to.

  • SCOTUS strikes down the District Court ruling. The majority doesn’t provide much analysis, but, presumably they felt like the Sec’y of State should be able to set the rules and thought the District Court was micromanaging.


They’ve boycotted and left photos in their place

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Pope Francis supporting same sex civil unions to pwn the SCOTUS


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Nightmare scenario very much in play of everything riding on PA, no winner on election night, DeJoy-ratfucked USPS trickling the ballots in.

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Who gave pa the 3 day ballot extension? Obviously it wasnt the legislature. The governor?

Apparently a SC tie means it goes back to the previous court ruling. The GOP lost, so now they want a do over once ACB is sworn in Monday.


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Will be interesting to see what they do. Go all in helping trump get elected. Or let it ride and pretend to be legitimate until Republicans win back the senate.

If they go all in and biden still crushes they could give dems the excuse to pack it.

Listening to the majority report it sounds like if they do something to outrage voters they will be in real trouble, but if they play it safe they will probably be fine

Like after Feinstein shitshow it will be hard to justify aggressive action, unless the supreme court does something super bad to piss off voters. Trying to rig the election counts

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Depends how obvious the riggage is. Reversing the PA ruling won’t even be noticed by 90% of the country.

Yeah “small” rulings about state level procedures isn’t going to grab the attention of the general population. That’s how we got gerrymandering in the first place. The only way people get activated at all on this stuff is:

Decisive Biden win in election
Trump refusal to accept results
Broad Republican support to challenge counting votes in numerous states
Supreme Court rules that just enough votes im Pennsylvania, Florida, Michigan, etc are thrown out to hand an EC win to Trump

Even then we would still need the press to be willing to speak directly to the obvious corruption and not “both sides” the presentation to protect their self image of independence. So I’m not really confident about that.

In a normal election you would be right. I think there’s a much bigger than nonzero chance the federal government doesn’t survive two years from a blatant trump steal.

The guy isn’t going to stop fucking up in huge ways. Him being president isn’t a messaging problem lol.

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I think you’re right, what I was getting at is that I doubt that even now enough regular people are politically active enough to get engaged by SC shenanigans unless it’s extreme AND blatant AND communicated fairly and effectively by the media. That doesn’t mean that states won’t take political action to dissolve the union in a full on catastrophe.

I think there will be a lot of outrage if PA stops counting ballots after 1 day and it tightens the race there considerably or Trump wins PA but Biden wins other states like Florida.

I think there will be a lot of media attention on it if PA stopped counting ballots they received after the election. The democratic base is on edge about Trump winning, and the supreme court stepping him to clearly help him will piss a lot of people off. Maybe not enough for court reform though.

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I worry that if that plays out the media will run with “Trump Surprises With Pennsylvania Victory” narratives in early November, combined with baseless both sides speculation about why Pennsylvania voters supported Trump in greater numbers than expected, and then months after the fact someone will do the investigative work to show Trump didnt actually win. I would be shocked if the mainstream media can move fast enough to establish the truth in real time, they are honestly just too lazy.


imagine hearing this

and not wanting to pack the court