The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Composing a hit list.


Donnie Dumb Dumb would need one that says DO NOT ANSWER. And then he would answer the first question, admitting to four crimes in the process. His approval rating would then go up.


You should avoid WW2 analogies. I didn’t think you could top “Bernie is Stalin” but here we are.

You should delete your account.

I may be ponied but Suzy C is playing electoral politics.


“I don’t recall” has to be the greatest scam ever. Like, the cop that murdered George Floyd can say he doesn’t recall kneeling on his neck for 8 minutes and at least one brain dead jury member will be like “Well, he doesn’t recall. How can he be guilty?”


Collins, Murk, and I still got my money on Romney. We need one more right?

Hasn’t he said he’s a yay?

He said she should get a vote. He didn’t say he’d vote yes. I’m still holding out hope he’s just waiting for a McCain/Brutus moment.

By saying he’s ok with a vote, then voting no - it really screws Trump even worse than saying he won’t support a vote up front.

Just let me dream. No one saw the McCain thing coming. I have this fantasy that there are a couple Republicans left who know how wrong what they’re doing is.

I think we’re drawing to a death.

And we need to go runner runner.

And we would still lose 49-49.

Maybe but we still need a fourth.

Yeah well presumably Romney has that lined up or is working on it.

If the Dems are smart, (LOL) they should be able to convince a few GOP Senators that if Biden wins, he will pack the court unless they vote no on confirming ACB.

She got a hall pass.

Susan Collins will not be #51 against.


The good ‘ole days!


Another opportunity here for a questioner say, “it was wonderful to hear you say earlier that Brown was decided correctly. I completely agree. Would you say Roe was decided correctly? Citizens United? Bush v Gore?” etc. etc. She won’t answer obviously but the best you can do it hit home the selectivity.

Has anyone asked specifically whether Trump or any Trump adviser or Trump administration official has had conversations with her about the upcoming election and any lawsuits that may be filed on their behalf?

Yes, she has been pretty forceful with statements about no conversations with Trump, WH officials, or legislature about specific upcoming cases and how she would vote. A lawyer could probably find a way to parse her statements to find a loophole, but she hasn’t really equivocated at all, IMO. Nothing like Barr’s “Well, what do you mean by ‘suggested’ I open up an investigation?”

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So the confirmation is 100% inevitable then. No way she makes this statement and vote without assursnces

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It always was mins 4 Republican senators dying. Once Mitt was in favor it was all over.