The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Just be glad they’re putting on a show nomination hearing.

I mean several of the committee members got the actual virus and it didn’t slow them down at all. They’re prioritizing this over virus relief, which is political suicide. They’re obviously going to confirm her then hope to fade the worst blowback. Which is probably rational. Democrats are going to need at least 53 senate seats to do anything meaningful (Manchin, Feinstein, AZ dipshit lady at a minimum), and even then its probably a coin flip.

Assuming we landslide I still think this will be good for us. Packing the court is way better than 5-4 and the political will will be there after a lot of horrible decisions

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I’d rather they didn’t.

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they did ask this yesterday but of course she hasn’t, the whole point of the federalist society is to do all the dirty work so the president can just read a name off a list and honestly say that there hasn’t been any conversations between them




I sometimes think I can understand things but I cannot stretch my imagination to figure out what the fuck Feinstein thinks this all means.

Does she think that she is being a feminist, and will be admired by feminists, by pushing for the approval of a woman?

Does she think that bipartisanship is the secret sauce to fix America in 2020 and that she will be remembered as “wise” for pushing through the Republican nominee?

I know she is insanely out of touch but I can’t even imagine the fictional narrative in her mind that justifies this behaviour.

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She’s not running for reelection again (I fucking hope…) so she doesn’t care about politics, she’s like the guy at work who put in his two weeks and is spending his time fucking around.

dianne feinstein retire

She’s just some old lady that wants to return to the grand old days of respectful discourse and an afghan to wrap up in. There isn’t any deeper meaning.


Feinstein is way worse than you guys are making her out to be. She’s not some doddering, incompetent old lady. Her husband is a venture capitalist who has profited from a bunch of weapons deals she has brokered.

At no time was Feinstein anything even close to a good person or a valuable government official. She may be in full decline but she started at the bottom.


nobody would have even made a note of this if they hadn’t pulled the dumb and clearly coordinated “hurp durp no notes!” stunt yesterday

Should have guessed freedom to listen to husband.




No better way to get kids involved in politics than telling them they’re dumb and their ideas won’t work.


There are 6 parts to the 1A, though one of them arguably isn’t a “Freedom”.

Freedom of religion, freedom from religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of airing of grievances.