The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Starts of with the pandemic and goes on to healthcare

Saying that the people need help with ALL the good stuff, but sadly Senate republicans are stalling

Yeah, Klob failed to pick up on any of the obvious follow up. Didn’t even have to ask a question. Just say rhetorically, “Oh, I see, so precedent is precedent merely until someone brings a case where 5 justices agree to overturn. Thank you for that, your honor.”


Its a matter of whatever the fuck they want the outcome to be then they work backward from that.


I wonder what kind of precedent Marbury is, maybe we can just get rid of all this bullshit.


Fixed da tweet

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Marbury IS precedent, per Barrett. Because most of people agree and stuff. (That was actually one she mentioned along with Brown)

Damn it. Foiled by super precedent again. Who is scarier, Willie Horton or Amy Conehead Barret?

The whole point of precedent is to keep the country from viewing the court as a bunch of political hacks doing whatever the fuck they want based on their political preferences, and dare I suggest that ship has sailed in 2020.

Has the phrase “punted on” jumped the shark?

I have a request for the forum: for like the next 40 years or until the court is packed, can we never link tweets/stories in which some lower level federal ruling looks like a big win for the good guys? Because it’s all going to the SC and they will rule in favor of the theocrats, autocrats, and corporatists on every single issue.


This fucking woman

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She’s living in like 1820 so she may not own a tv or smart phone. This one may actually be true.


Harris the first person I believe to tell her to cut the bullshit about adhering to the “RBG standard” of no hints, no previews when RBG was crystal clear about a woman’s right to choose in her nomination hearing.

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Also her faith wouldn’t allow her to look at tweets that are so obviously against her family values

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Can someone explain why all the deplorables on my Facebook are orgasming over ACB holding up the blank notepad?

Something something like she’s so smart she doesn’t need notes I think

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She only knows what her husband tells her, ldo.

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How many notes would you need when you don’t plan on answering any questions