The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Because he was already a malcontent before that happened. IE - not one of the good ones.

Reading some of her writings makes me feel like Iā€™ve definitely grown accustomed to 211 degrees Fahrenheit.

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keep raising the temperature to 451


Hate watching Whitehouse. Has been speaking for 3 minutes, has not even made a coherent point let alone asked a question. LOL Democrats.

Update: still talking, still has not asked a question.

I think this is awesome. He is laying out the whole infrastructure of why this happens. This is way better than questions she wonā€™t answer.

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I think his point is good. His presentation sucks.

OK Iā€™ll admit its getting good. It wonā€™t matter but this is pretty damning.

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This needs to be required viewing for everyone.


It took him a while to get going but yes, he is eviscerating the GOP. This is very well researched and incredibly depressing.



Went back to watch Whitehouse from the start. Iā€™m a few minutes in. So far itā€™s good, but long.

He just knocked all his shit over lol whoops

The charts at times come off like Glenn Beck, but itā€™s important stuff.

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Wow weā€™re even more fucked than I thought.

Anyone have a link?

It started around 12:45pm EST. I happened to shut off the tv last night on CNN so I was able to rewind but thatā€™s what time youā€™re trying to get back to.

Ted Cruz murdering irony

Ted Cruz is asking the questions Americans want to know:

Do you speak any other languages?

Do you play an instrument?

What was distance learning like for your kids?

They just want to make her look like a normal mother and not at all a threat to Americansā€™ healthcare or rights.