The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

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Actually I think the idea is closer to one where we are largely bound by the intent to create a ā€œrationalā€ system of government and that social, technological, and political developments mean that strict adherence to original language actually undermines that intent. What Jefferson is saying is that the underlying spirit of a public democracy can be undermined if it is unable to evolve with changed conditions and growing human understanding.


Whitehouse has been excellent and everyone should watch his presentation. Heā€™s been making his case on this stuff for months and moving the democratic party toward facing and dealing with the corruption of the courts. Heā€™s shouting from the rooftops that the judiciary has been fundamentally compromised and democrats need to take action.

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Would it surprise you to hear that Amy Klobuchar is not an effective questioner




I wish Kamala was doing her questioning in person. (Iā€™m assuming she will be on video like yesterday).

Yesā€¦ Sheā€™s zooming in later on as seniority takes president

No one from the law school, interesting.

I like where the end of Klobā€™s questioning made ACB go. Basically had her saying, welllllll, something is agreed precedent unless a lot of people disagree with it and want it changed.

LOL sorry canā€™t say anything about Roe, the election, the ACA - no hints, no preconceptions. But let me discuss the constitutionality cell phone searches in detail with Sasse.

ACB basically blowing up the entire idea of textualism here with her very clear argument that circumstances change over 250 years.

Lol at the faculty wasting the time to write a letter sheā€™s going to, at best, laugh at hysterically while reading it. GJGE Notre Dame faculty.

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Man I knew it was bad but not this bad


Dunno what youā€™re talking about, maybe Google can help:

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