The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything


Universal health care: everyone is covered.

M4A: Bernie’s bill that eliminated private insurance and went to single payer in 4 years.

Pete: for universal health care with a public option as a first step to single payer.Felt Bernie’s bill was not the way to get there.


As for this clip, it’s a succinct, positive, easy to understand takedown of “originalism”

This was his original position, but then he switched to “How are you going to pay for it?” attacks on single payer. You can’t be for a glide path and claim the destination is not doable.


The “multi step” plan is pure bullshit that makes no sense on policy merits or politically. It was a cynical play to try to capture the center of the primary field when Biden looked weak. I love Pete dunking on right wing assholes but he is a complete fucking disaster on health care.


Thinking there’s a viable option outside single payer at this point is about as crazy to me as being a climate denier. I absolutely refuse to vote for anyone pushing this bullshit. Like how many more people getting ruined by $56,000 ER bills have to post their story on Twitter? And we’re about to see the fate of these halfway meet-in-the-middle options that Dems love to cook up.


Former Pete staffer continues to post Pete propaganda.

Here’s a good piece about why Pete’s plan was complete nonsense. I wonder if holding fund raisers in wine caves with billionaires has anything to do with his support for policies that will hurt the poor and help the rich.


I know it might absolutely blow your mind, but I was just a volunteer. Never paid.

I’m not talking about healthcare with you.

Well that’s pretty embarrassing, if I was nonstop posting propaganda that helped the rich and hurt the poor I’d probably try to get paid for it

Also I’m not trying to discuss healthcare with you either. I’m countering your propaganda with facts so that uninformed observers don’t get suckered by the wine cave candidate and his ridiculous justifications for keeping people sick and out of college.


LOL at thinking “posting” is doing politics. Unlike you, I did more than whine on the internet. Maybe if you’d gotten out and knocked on doors, or made phone calls or text banked to actually try to build a coalition rather than alienate half the democratic party, Bernie might have won.

sharing rat and snake emojis on twitter and posting on a message board isn’t politics, my friend.

Also, I will correct lies and misinformation. I refuse to let them stand, no matter what your far-left propaganda blogs say.


I disagree with skydiver on a lot of policy issues but if I ever want to achieve anything politically I‘ll take one of her over a hundred watevs.


Hitler achieved a lot politically


ya, that’s what we’re doing here, organizing and achieving things politically

i’ll yell at dumb propagandists if i please

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We’re a few weeks away from a handmaiden psycho taking healthcare from 20M people and stripping pre-existing conditions for all 330M. Somebody get me the phone bank dial list and I’ll start making calls*.

*To remind people that they should have voted for Bernie Sanders before they die of COVID or lose their house to collections.



Not really an issue for this thread, but related to the Bernie discussion, if Biden does win big it’s going to make the argument much harder for a progressive candidate next time.

Sure but it won’t matter, as demographics shift people are going to want shit like universal healthcare.

I don’t think we were gonna win in 2024 regardless, but by 2028 it won’t matter, The electoral is shifting and these policies are super popular. People like Feinstein and Nancy are old as hell and going away. This movement is building momentum and it’s not going to stop with people like the squad getting elected, and more and more progressives will continue to do so.

And hopefully we won’t be in a position where its like we have to win or it’s literally going to be a fascist state. Hopefully by then we pack the court and have a bunch of voter reform and add some states, and hopefully by then we won’t have to sweat the GOP too much ( 2028 I’m saying )

If we don’t get that shit done we’re fucked regardless because we won’t get shit done and the GOP will finish what it started in 2024.

Yale law prof:

I forgot that the hearings started today. Ugh.

Debating whether they are worth watching. Meh.

Hard no.