The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything


And lol little Marco

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Barrett , a federal appellate judge, has disclosed serving on the board of a network of private Christian schools affiliated with the group. The organization, however, has declined to confirm that she is a member. In recent years, it removed from its website editions of a People of Praise magazine — first those that included her name and photograph and then all archives of the magazine itself.



Also, while in law school, Barrett lived at the South Bend home of People of Praise’s influential co-founder Kevin Ranaghan and his wife, Dorothy, who together helped establish the group’s male-dominated hierarchy and view of gender roles. The group was one of many to grow out of the charismatic Christian movement, which sought a more intense and communal religious experience by embracing such practices as shared living, faith healing and speaking in tongues.

super normal


A 1986 community handbook obtained by The Post said each member is “personally accountable to God for his or her decisions,” but also emphasized “obedience to authority and submission to headship.”

Members are typically assigned a “head” to give them spiritual leadership and guidance on life matters such as buying a car or finding a romantic partner. Younger men and women are led by older members of the same sex, according to former members, but husbands typically take over as “heads” for their wives following marriage.

Men’s “headship” of their wives, and the male-dominated governance of the community, has been the basis of accusations from some critics of Barrett that People of Praise is built on the sexist expectation that women defer to men.

The summer 2015 issue of People of Praise’s magazine, Vine & Branches, featured an article titled “Holiness in Marriage,” which it said was based on a talk given to women in the community in the 1980s by Jeanne DeCelles, wife of co-founder Paul DeCelles.

“Make it a joy for him to head you,” Jeanne DeCelles said, according to the article. “It is important for you to verbalize your commitment to submission. . . . Tell him what you think about things, make your input, but let him make the decisions, and support them once they are made.”


Sounds like the thing my aunt got hooked up with in her late 20s after a miscarriage and failed marriage - and has been stuck there ever since.

Is she going to go by Justice Ofdon or Justice Ofmitch?


creepy. Like, weird sex cult level creepy.

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In an alternative world where they had an agreement to pack the court this would be wonderful but no they’re just feckless losers

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only need to add ~25 states to get 2/3rds.

Eh. We know where she stands on Roe v Wade. She hasn’t made it even a little bit subtle. If she said that she forgot that she did this because she does stuff like this all the time I’d believe her. ACB has absolutely no ‘I just call balls and strikes’ credibility. That’s the entire reason she’s the nominee.

Obviously the next SCJ we put up should be EXTREMELY progressive and as transparent about it as ACB is about her anti choice positions.

The norm that SCJ’s are apolitical is dead. I doubt it’ll be back in my lifetime.

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How does she feel about socks?

One nice consequence of this whole situation is that we’re hopefully done, forever, pretending that the whole confirmation charade is anything other than what it is, and the world (including Democratic politicians) will get that the Supreme Court has fully transitioned into being an entirely political institution, in spite of the robes, decorum and bipartisan opera trips.

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Cue Biden nominating the most conservative justice Democrats in the senate will tolerate to try to “bridge the gap” and “bring back normalcy”


Yeah it sounds like NXIVM.

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I like this Pete much more than fuck-your-universal-healthcare Pete.


Can’t afford prescription drugs to make the pain go away but here’s some clips of Pete dunking on right wing losers on TV


Wise words from Jefferson.