The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

We either win this election or we’re screwed. If they keep power we won’t take it back via elections.

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Many researchers say they now see social priming not so much as a way to sway people’s unconscious behaviour, but as an object lesson in how shaky statistical methods fooled scientists into publishing irreproducible results.

But so many findings in social priming have been disputed that some say the field is close to being entirely discredited. “I don’t know a replicable finding. It’s not that there isn’t one, but I can’t name it,” says Brian Nosek, a psychologist at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, who has led big replication studies. “I’ve gone from full believer to full sceptic,” adds Michael Inzlicht, a psychologist at the University of Toronto, Canada, and an associate editor at the journal Psychological Science .

Thanks for the reply. It looks like this refers to “social priming” specifically and not priming more generally, which it sounds like remains widely accepted. Interesting nonetheless.

Kind of surprised I’ve never heard anyone say it outright but Matt Bruneig had a point that if both parties play the strategic retirement game it means the ideological composition of the court would never change, barring sudden deaths, and obviously if only one side is doing it the eventual composition will be 100% that side.


HW switching Brennan and Marshall to Souter and Thomas was probably just as big of an overall shift.

I’m just thankful we conquered covid and it has no chance of killing any of these justices that’s all I have to say about it


Cliffs: We are fucked

They will decide the country for the next 3+ decades.

It’s just a matter of how far they want to push it at this point.

Correct, and as a result the advantage of moving first on this is permanent control of the court, barring sudden deaths - in this case not one but two sudden deaths under a Dem POTUS and Senate.

If Dems don’t pack the court, we will have a radically conservative court for the rest of our lives.

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We know they will strike down the ACA and Roe, it’s likely they’ll legalize discrimination against the LGBTQ community on grounds of religion. The question is not whether they will reshape America into a fundamentalist country, it’s a question of how fundamentalist.

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the nominee is no swamp donkey!


Yes it’s priming research in the field of social psychology which is a huge area that exploded in the last few decades. When I took social seminar not even ten years ago it was still all the rage. I don’t really read cognitive so not sure how good their stuff is, but I think all of this has more to do with the field, its actors, standards for evidence, etc. than the effects themselves. Most annoying part is having keep up so I can unlearn all of the fake bullshit I spent thousands of hours reading and writing lit reviews on.

My greater point though was that at least we can figure out that it’s all fake. Like with priming they eventually realized that dude in the Netherlands was actually fabricating data from whole cloth. That Cornell guy who studied children (!) and their eating behavior was just completely making shit up. That’s pretty scary. But what’s scarier to me is that Scalia was obviously pulling the arguments out of his racist, corporate shill ass to pair with his decision that was long in the bag, and law professors are saying stuff like, “You only think it’s contradictory because you haven’t discovered the 8D chess level of reasoning he was on that ties it all together yet!”






Has no one put together James Comey and Amy Com(n)ey Barrett yet?

What’s it gonna take to put together the pieces, people?


Amy Coney Barrett
Kame Money Garrett
Keeme Amoney Grett
Keep America Great

Wake up SHEEPLE!




Fuck you, George. This guy is King Douche.

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