The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Still free money at 1-500

Some questions for ACB’s hearing:

Is she in favor of forced hysterectomies?
Does she believe RBG is in hell?


Clovis: trigger warning


Need Claudia’s take ASAP

Also, I’d be interested in seeing a breakdown of Dems for/against expanding SCOTUS in terms of lawyers vs. nonlawyers. I’m guessing the results would not be surprising.

Recent Amicus podcast made a point i hadn’t thought of before. One of the things dems can do is eliminate the power of SCOTUS to be final arbiter of the Constitution. Require super majority for some kinds of rulings, for example.

Never really thought much about how much more power SCOTUS has than most countries supreme courts. Our Notwithstanding clause allows provinces to essentially ignore court rulings which forces them to be in step with political winds. It prevents minority rule like we see in America.



The important thing to remember is that when Republicans demonizing libs for “legislating from the bench,” that is 100% EXACTLY what they’re doing when they, for instance, gut the ACA or VRA on flimsy ass constitutional grounds.

It’s complete bullshit, circumventing the elected will of the actual real American people in favor of a 230 year old document that none of its authors would have dreamed would be contorted to apply in situations like these.

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It’s not even in favor of a 230 year old document. In many cases the outcome is at odds with the plain reading of the text (2nd Amendment, voting rights). It’s in favor of their political preferences, period. It’s a blessing people are finally realizing this, though at an enormous cost.


Exactly this. Here in Norway, almost no one knows the names of the supreme court justices - which is exactly as it should be!


I really doubt >5% of Americans can name more than 2 current members of SCOTUS. And wayyyyy less than 1% can name all 9 or even tell you there are 9 for that matter.

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As Barrett spoke in the Rose Garden before an audience that included her seven children – as a nominee, Trump noted, who could become the first mother of school-aged children to serve on the high court – she showed how challenging it will be for Democrats to vilify her as a frightening figure

Thats part of an CNN opinion piece. They realize that Magda Goebbels was also a mother of 6 and had no problem killing them in the last das of the 3rd reich because she didnt want them to live in a world without National Socialism. Some go really out of there way to normalize terrible people and being a mother doesnt make you immune to being a monster.


If you’re talking about general population, same can be said about USA#1.

If you’re talking about the members of the Norwegian unstuck equivalent, then that is truly different.

Every reg on here can name all nine of ours. I think even the Canadians who can’t name their own.


Yes, I’m talking about the Norwegian unstuck equivalent, thanks for the Melkerson clarification! :slight_smile:

I can’t name a single one, but can name everyone on the USA#1 SC.

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All Comneys are Bastards


Maybe they can spin the point of her having two childs adopted from Haiti that she might be in favor of open borders to give other kids as well a chance for a better life.

UP could make some decent money printing up some “Notorious ACaB” shirts.

The Federalist Society and their ilk are just doing what the church and clergy have been doing with the Bible and “holy” books for the past ~2000 years. What’s literal? What’s allegory? What did god mean by this statement? They have millennia of experience arguing that their feelings should take precedence.

There’s a footnote in the Study Bible that my parents gave me. It says(paraphrase): “While this verse may appear to be a contradiction, we know that god is perfect and therefore even if we don’t understand, there actually is no contradiction.”


This is now far and away the most depressing thread on this site


SCOTUS justices I know:

Roberts (replaced Rehnquist)
Thomas (replaced Marshall)
Alito (replaced O’Connor)
Garland Gorsuch (replaced Scalia)
Kavanaugh (replaced Kennedy)
Barrett (replacing Ginsburg)
Kagan (replaced Stevens)
Sotomayor (replaced Souter)

SCoC justices I know:


I’m actually a bit embarrassed I can’t name one SCofC judge.

Yeah having my healthcare taken away is pretty fucking frightening, I don’t care if it’s Mitch McConnell, the grim reaper, or Carol Brady doing it.

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