The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

He would probably be more useful than nunnehi in the COVID thread and more infuriating outside of it. My guess is that regs on this site would disagree about the desirability of that.

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True freedom is TERRIFYING for the vast majority of Americans. It means no social construct like employment, infrastructure, Healthcare, etc. Itā€™s every man/woman/child out for themselves. Itā€™s also why they are hellbent on protecting the 2nd amendment. Itā€™s this feeble idea that if someone comes after you, you can protect yourself.

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This isā€¦good? But Feinstein, tho.

Itā€™s basically a cosplay from watching too many Terminator movies or whatever. Everyone of these idiots thinks they are Charles Bronson. I know a dude that has a pretty large collection of semi auto rifles, modern shotguns, and handguns with tactical attachments.

Me: The fuck u gonna do with all this?
Him: [Something about Obama tanks.]
Me: Youā€™re gonna hold off an M1 Abrams with an M4 carbine here from your garage? Iā€™d be getting the fuck out of here.
Him: [Pausing] Hmm, yeah I never really thought about it that way.

Iā€™ve found that you can work them a bit by pretending to be part of the fantasy. So Iā€™ll play along and acknowledge that, yes, in fact I am fully aware that the Obama tanks are coming. Now what are we gonna do about it? Iā€™m not shooting at them with anything in this cabinet of killing machines because weā€™re all gonna die with that strategy. And the response I get from that usually is a nod and a look of dejection like, yeah man, youā€™re right we really canā€™t beat these Obama tanks.

Everybodyā€™s a tough guy until the shit actually goes down and then you have the open carry idiots hiding in a Claireā€™s Boutique when the active shooter opens fire on a mall. If a citizen takes the shooter out, itā€™s always some unarmed minority.


Iā€™m not sure about the strategy of it, but 18-year SC justice terms is an extremely good long-term policy.

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Ins0 was snap banned when he showed up after RBG died


ikes couldnā€™t go three days without being banned. It wouldnā€™t be for his views or his politics or where he stands on Covid/Trump/whatever. None of those things are what makes ikes uniquely insufferable.


I think I might not have been clear. I was saying donā€™t invite him here.

I thought ikes didnā€™t match or something? Was he actually granted a medical degree and residency in a U.S. state?

He was in NOLA for med school I thought. Please donā€™t bring him back. For the love of god.

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Just imagine how insufferable heā€™d be now steering every convo to medicine and then trying to appeal to his own expertise.


Yes. He got a residency in the NYC area. According to his Twitter, his plan was to move out to California, where he is licensed. Not sure if his residency is over and if he did that.

There are an awful lot of people who enjoy beating up cans on internet forums. Obviously Iā€™m a ā€˜fuck no donā€™t bring Ikesā€™ vote. Jesus christ we already have several doctors (please pull through hobbes) so itā€™s not like heā€™d add anything unique to the board.

If someone finds a genuinely smart libertarian (and they do exist in the wild) feel free to invite them. I do worry about this being an echo chamber after all.

Being from St. Louis I had to use a similar tactic discussing that couple that held assault rifles on their front lawn.

ā€œIf I was defending my home I would have a shotgun and watch the front door, not be on the front lawn pointing my gun at peopleā€

Pausingā€¦Yeah, you are right actually.


OTOH think of the free telemedicine opportunities. I donā€™t think you guys are seeing the big picture here.

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Not just Americans. Itā€™s a universal trait of human nature.

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I suppose thatā€™s one way to get around Article III status. Could see it getting struck down as unconstitutional, though.

Republicans will just say fuck you no and keep nominating ghouls to the bench.

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