The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything




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Simone Biles must be there soon - just saw one of these being brought in


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It’s Barrett.

She is the most nazi on the list so of course.

I didn’t double max that on predictit after riverman’s it’s lagoa post, I’m ashamed.

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He went with the white one? You don’t say…

Imagine the interview

Orange “do you like MacDonald’s”

Her “umm yes”

Orange “nobody has done more for SCOTUS than me”

Her “…”

Orange “will you defend me when the dems steal the election”

Her “I can’t really speak to hypotheticals”

Orange “I know a lot about the law…”rambles for 15 min

Her in the middle of the ramble “I can’t wait to institute a theocracy”

Orange “ I knew a black guy named Theo. He was a rapist”


I was hoping for Lagoa, because I know her clerk. He’s had a wild ride this past year. He went from clerking for her at the 3rd DCA in Florida, to the FL Supreme Court, now he’s at the 11th circuit, and he had a legit sweat at becoming a S act Clerk.


The senate democrats should find a way to make it appear that Barrett is not going to be loyal to Trump. Get him mad and try to push him to withdraw her. Preferably on election stuff and health care. She won’t want to answer “hypotheticals” but they’re not hypothetical if Trump announces his intentions and signals they are the reason he made the pick in the first place.

I mean I convincingly made this point all the time in law school. Not sure I understand her point.

That’s because the point of the class is to teach you to realize your intentions through legalistic bullshit. The fact that that’s not your real reason is totally irrelevant to that class probably.

I have to be honest, does it strike anyone else as likely not a coincidence that we will have 6 Catholic conservative justices?

I know Sotomayor is also Catholic, but…

Cribbing from chapo but it’s because the catholics are the only conservatives who can read and write.


I still remember being called on for the case where Scalia said you can’t grow pot in your own home for medicinal uses even though it is explicitly legal in California GOAT. The Professor’s big question was “how is this consistent with Lopez (a case banning a local law against guns in school zones)?” I responded that he was a political hack with no actual underlying principles and was laughed at, lol law, lol law school.


This was me with the aff action cases (Bollinger? Fisher? Can’t remember which one).

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This will definitely work, great job Chuckie


The only way I can soothe my rage at stuff like this is to remember that that she had to be self-selected for stubbornness and delusion to accomplish what she did.

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