The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I wonder what ikes said in the interview when they asked him why he wanted to be a doctor.

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“Simply put, I enjoy the taste of blood.”


Dear god, don’t message ikestoys. We’re extremely lucky we ever got rid of him.


A literal nuclear option looks more attractive every day.

We could always just start another site and let Ikes argue here with the Trumpbot.


So Ikes was cool with kids in cages to prevent dem SOCIALIST policies but Trump’s handling of the pandemic has caused him to urge people to vote Biden.

Hopefully there are lots of other Ikes out there who will vote out Trump due to the pandemic and then crawl back into their hole.

It’s a utilitarian argument. If compromising on kids in cages would win enough votes to get Medicare For All passed, who would compromise due to the net lives saved and who would hold firm even if it meant torpedoing M4A? Ikes is just wrong about the “inevitable results of socialism”.

What if we formed a truce with ikes so that he is contained to a specific thread in FrenchBBV? And then instead of banning anyone, all the mods would have to do is infract users for flagged posts. When you hit a threshold–UH-OH. You are now forced to argue this topic with ikes for x amount of time equal to how long you would have banned them.

They say that the best weapon is the one you never have to fire. I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once. That’s how Dad did it, that’s how America does it, and it’s worked out pretty well so far.


The one and only good thing that Donald J Trump gave us was ikes losing his 22 self ban bet.


If Biden wins does Ikes get to go back?

In honor of ikes:

lol no


There’s always been like 25% of the US population who are blatantly authoritarian.

I don’t think it’s been this many people openly in favor of it though. Closest thing would be the FDR era I guess?

This is largely present elsewhere as well. I think the root cause is that as a species humans are conditioned to fear lack of control. This is pretty universal and explains a lot more than American authoritarianism. Any given society will develop a bunch of techniques that individuals will adopt to deal with this inherent fear. Some people pull their boundaries in and limit their life experience to things they can control. Some people embrace explanatory myths like religion (its not chaos, its part of God’s grand plan). Some people embrace collective institutions to put some order around the otherwise seemingly chaotic world. And some people ask a Strong Leader to use punishment to force the world into an acceptable order.

Lots of people in lots of countries fall into that last bucket. For a long time in the West the “institutionalists” held power, and as imperfect as it is/was it sure beats Trumplandia.


So many D leaning white people were getting scared on the first days of the Floyd protests when stores in middle to upscale neighborhoods were getting vandalized. Have to have some level of self-disregard to not have a visceral reaction to that…

Just as a tactic when discussing this with others, I find that, “It’s not that I’m not upset about vandalism and looting, it’s that I’m way more upset about the police killing all of these unarmed black people,” works pretty well.

Sometimes you’ll need to go around in circles a few times repeating the second half of the sentence and adjusting the first half to fit the series of self-owning bad arguments they’ll make before they realize they’re admitting that they care more about broken windows and looting, methods of protest, and order than black lives. Some will be realizing it for the first time. Others will not get it and will eventually just give up arguing because this tactic annoys them.


Not sure how I feel about this, especially with the “exempts current justices” part (which I assume would include the new shitbag that Trump and McConnell are going to ram through).

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I’m gonna hold my “rage at feckless Democrats” takes for after the election, but hoo boy early indications are that they will be aplenty.


Guess I’m cowed by the threat of a fascist takeover but I’ve lost all my swagger re: Medicare for All or die trying, etc. and at this point am simply hoping for Rs to allow Ds to takeover after winning an election.

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Since many of you frightened Inso away, I think it’s only fair we now get to play with Ikes.

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Or we could just engage in high minded discourse and exchange highly useful information and good ideas and sharpen our views and arguments.

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