The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

It sure fucking feels like that.


Oops. LOL.


This is definitely not true, she remains popular among Democrats. This graph only goes to 2018 but nothing has changed.

Edit: For comparison, Chuck Schumer’s Dem/Lean Dem fav number in a recent poll was only 47%, with 88% having heard of him.

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Meh. I think Hillary is pretty disliked, but mainly because she lost. Not the same reason that Mitt, McCain and George W. are hated.

IDK I think you live in a bubble. She is disliked by leftists and still very much liked by the kind of people who en masse put Biden up as the nominee.


Yes, I think you’re right. What is unique about Hillary is the intensity of the dislike among those who dislike her, not the overall number of people who dislike her.

Pretty sure the last six months took ten years.

btw this has been discussed before, but if you can change one and only one important American politics event in the last, let’s say 15 years, Mitt Romney beating Obama in 2012 still seems like the correct answer. Impossible to know what would have happened but the chances of a radically different Republican Party seem pretty high. Clinton beating Trump in 2016 probably leads to a situation where she is totally fucking doomed against whatever psycho is up for them in 2020.

Yeah if you could average the hatred level across all Democrats… idk it’s still probably Schumer or someone, all the people who hate Clinton hate him as well. I probably hate Schumer more than Clinton, at least Clinton has been humiliated in the history books in the most severe possible way.

This will largely depend on how 2020 shakes out imo. It’s possible Dems sweep in 2020, enact major change, and that this whole Trump shit show leads to the Republican party dying much quicker.

Policy wise and Supreme court wise Mitt and gang wouldn’t have been much better than Trump for your average person.

Like the title says, it could really go either way.

Honestly, I don’t think the Republican Party has changed all that much. I think the people who are perfectly fine with authoritarian takeover of the country have always been there. They just needed the right leader/ set of circumstances to show them they could get away with it.

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Rush Limbaugh’s rise and overwhelming popularity should be enough evidence that this is true. He hasn’t changed his tune in the thirty years or so that he has been on the radio, and his rhetoric is blatantly authoritarian.

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What this just makes clearer and clearer is a real problem in the US political system and that is the division of ultimate authority between Executive and Legislative branches. In Westminster systems the two are more or less one and the same; the National Executive is made up of members of the ruling government, headed by the Prime Minister, with the head of state having only powers to be used in a constitutional emergency. Voters therefore only ever have one party (or one government, in multi-party countries) to blame. In the US system, the Republicans can blame the House Dems for “refusing to implement President Trump’s agenda” while Democrats can complain that Trump’s veto power prevents them doing anything. It’s a device for engineering gridlock and polarization.


They only need to be as conniving as the situation requires, and can only be as conniving as the situation permits.

The last 10 years have been Reps setting the groundwork to have every opportunity to pursue naked power grabs (VRA dismantling was front and center here).

Now, we’re in a situation where the situation both requires malfeasance, and Reps have every opportunity to follow through. The stars have aligned in a way that once seemed impossible. RBG death was the final icing on the WAAF cake.

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So much this for the Czech Republic as well. There’s a Senate election coming up in a few weeks and there isn’t a single Czech news site even discussing it. They don’t even mention who the senators are.

Czechs are generally way more interested in what’s going on in America and the UK than the CR. It’s more action-packed and to be honest, entertaining from an outsider’s POV. Hell, people here wouldn’t be talking about domestic news at all if it wasn’t for covid.

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It sounds like this discussion is over already but please no one talk to ikes or ask him his opinion on anything or tell him about the existence of this board.


Yeah I mean it’s heavily results oriented. Like if Bernie had won the primaries, maybe none of that would apply and everything that led up to that would seem perfect. The reality is none of us have any idea what the range of possibilities of complex events was, even in hindsight. There are so many butterfly-effect scenarios.

Right but Supreme Court wasn’t a factor 2012-2016. Sotomayor was 2009. Concretely, what Mitt policies would have been worse for people than Obama 2012-2016? People might have lost 4 years of the ACA, maybe, but maybe not too, it was unclear what was going to happen (Trump was elected explicitly on killing Obamacare and couldn’t do it). Other than that?

Even if Mitt won a second term and got to replace RBG and Scalia, he’d have this pandemic shit way more in hand. Like there’s no way a Mitt administration just bins all those response plans the Obamas left. Mitt’s not a moron like that, he’s an actual business guy. 100% his first thing would be “OK, what can we reuse from the previous administration?”.

You know things are fucked when we have IKES on our side


I would go back to 2000 and have the actually winner be declared the winner

Maybe half the world wouldn’t be burning right now.



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