The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Well the only states with lower % for Trump than GOATafornia were Hawaii & Vermont(with a combined margin of 210k votes).

We rejected Trumpism by 4.2 MILLION votes. Apologies that we couldn’t do more than supply 150% of the national popular vote differential. :smiley:

I don’t even get why someone would want to continue to work in government in their upper-80’s (or 70’s). I’m assuming they have plenty of money with which to retire. I’d GTFO and just chill for my final few years.


They have personality disorders. They don’t chill.


Supreme Court doesn’t pay as much as you’d think given they have to live in high cost area and can’t do any other jobs. Not sure what perks they get or any expense accounts they may get.

Pays pretty good for Clarence Thomas.

At my university I work on the same floor with a guy who could have retired on full pension 20 years ago. He told me this is home to him and he couldn’t imagine not coming to work every day.

I just thought about this but I bet the pandemic has been really rough on him.

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Fans of Idiocracy know it’s about to become the Beef Supreme Court.

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Amazing that it was only 2012 that he was selected to run for President and now he’s the archetypal RINO and traitor to the cause.

Is anyone in contact with ikestoys? Get that guy in here imo. I want to hear his take on 2020 America more than I have ever wanted to read an ikestoys take before. OK low bar but you know what I’m saying.

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It came up in the other thread that the confirmation fight is a distraction from Trump’s failures for the election. The Dems have a card they can play if that is a genuine problem: surrender. No govt shutdown, no Feinstein with surprise witnesses, no huge protests.

It’s definitely not about the money. Once they have met the minimum years of service requirement, they can retire and collect a pension equal to what they made in their last year on the bench. Congress actually wanted to remove the financial incentive for Justices to stay on the bench.

Some people just like the work, and the influence. Heck, O’Connor served as a Judge in district and circuit court cases part time after she retired from SCOTUS.

Trust me you don’t. Just read awval’s Twitter.

This is who they were. Always. Never Trump Republicans are just upset that Trump makes it so obvious.

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Interesting. I’ve worked from home for 20 years. Home is home to me and I and can’t imagine going to work everyday.


I read a horrible take by a conservative lady that was linked here a couple of days ago that doesn’t deserve any more clicks, and it was basically that. Everything was wrong with Trump: he is corrupt, he lies, he is a terrible example, he can’t govern, he is a disaster! But Biden poses the much larger danger of maybe, possibly, yeah probably introducing S O C I A L I Z E D M E D I C I N E!!! Can’t have that, gotta vote Trump.

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Once covid ends, I am out of here.

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Is this not his Twitter? I’m fairly sure it is.

Slide into his DMs and ask for his take. If that is his account, he seems to now be an ER doctor in NYC who is really pissed at people who have bad opinions about COVID.

Stuff like this:

He could probably add a lot of value to the COVID thread, but I think he enjoys arguing with people that he thinks are wrong. He’s really big on talking about how COVID has a much higher frequency of myocarditis.

He doesn’t mention politics much outside of coronavirus and mostly ranted about sports (especially Michigan) pre-COVID, but he did say:

It might be worth reading his Twitter if you want some first-hand accounts of COVID from a doctor who was dealing with things. I know that some of you doubted that he was in medical school. I believed him back then and I thought that people were wrong to be skeptical.

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I’ve posted this before but I went to the same high school as ikestoys and I overlap his tenure there. Not only that, but he posted that he was a goalkeeper on the soccer team and my brother was on the soccer team.

5k kids were at my high school–it was technically two high schools mostly for sports purposes, but it was two buildings on the same campus and we had classes in both, so it’s not unusual not to know everyone. But with this much overlap, for me never to be able to figure out who he is I think he is shifting around some facts.

I don’t doubt at all he went there based on his politics.

Do you have your HS yearbook? He once said he looked like poker player Ben Lamb.

I never got a yearbook, had a teacher force one on me once because how could I not want a yearbook but it’s gone.

But, the Ben Lamb thing does ring a bell. I think my brother will be able to figure it out. Not going to out him but thanks for the info.

“Pathetic” seems inadequate to the moment here. As does “inadequate”.

The POTUS threatened a coup today. IDK what is going to wake guys like this up to the fact that they are in a power struggle and being nicer to the Republicans would at no point have meant that the Republicans would be nicer to them. I mean Trump is delusional but it’s arguable whether this or a typical Trump speech represents a firmer grasp on reality.


Mitt, John McCain and George W. Bush. The three darlings of the GOP for the first 15 years of this century… Now they are the most hated Republicans by Republicans. And none of them have changed. The rest of the party has changed. I suppose we could say the same about Hillary Clinton. Just four years ago, she was the party’s nominee. Now she’s probably the most-hated Democrat by Democrats. These are strange times.

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