The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Not sure history can truly judge him until decades have gone by. I haven’t seen a single person hold this opinion of him that thinks there’s even a single “good” president.

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I think he was a very good president, but horrible at wielding power as you said and as a result very bad for his party’s agenda.

We often forget the vast majority of a president’s job is executive decisions. Ebola, Swine Flu, foreign summits, etc. He was great at that stuff. He also deserves credit on guiding us back from the brink with the financial crisis and saving the automakers.

He was very good at putting out fires.


To put it another way, you can pick any president in the last 50 years to go back to 1/1/20 and handle COVID, he’s gotta be the pick right?


I’ll give him some credit for navigating out of the financial crisis, but he took office after most of the key things happened, the most important of which was when Hank Paulson (Bush’s Treasury sec) got on one knee and literally begged Nancy for 800 billion dollars to save the banks. As for the rest, that’s relatively trivial stuff, easily outweighed by the fact that he got brutalized in both midterms, the effects of which ultimately gave Rs 3 Supreme Court seats that will reign for 30 years.

Clinton would be aggressive but yea, Obama probably #1.

Ditto Japan.

I teach an adult English class once a week. A couple weeks ago, I tried to get the class to talk about the newly selected prime minister. Not a single one had an opinion, but everyone wanted to know what was going on with the U.S. election.

fwiw the right in Israel are in an all out war with the supreme court and the mainstream opinion is that they are part of the deep state kabal that is out to get Netanyahu. The chief justice is public enemy number three, after the attorney general and state attorney (kinda different set of roles here). All three are funded by Soros.

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Well sure, but there are still posters on this board that think if Biden puts up a nomination in year one, that a GOP Senate would definitely have to confirm him because the public wouldn’t stand for it or some such.



dunno, Ted Cruz running hot today:

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Trump is obviously an asshole for his comments but hearsay from the most biased of sources shouldn’t have any sway on the matter. It’s actually a bad look and more evidence that the dem’s are “in on it.”

Maybe there is some value in motivating voters but it just seems like a really dumb softball for someone like Cruz to go yard on.

My pony killed your pony in the meme thread a few hours ago. :grinning:

Messaging matters


They really care more about appearances than results. It would be so inappropriate to slander party royalty like Feinstein, better to just end democracy in America.

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Turns out lifelong Republican and Federalist Society ghoul George Conway is exactly who we thought the was. NEVER think these people are allies.

How’s that “time away for your daughter” going, George? You fucking scumbag.


Wtf she is 87! So insane you are allowed to sit still at that age.

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She has to ask her aides what day it is. Most law firms have mandatory retirement at 70. The entire Democratic Party is run by people born during or before World War II.

She still has 4 more years until her term is up. Can’t wait for how good she will be at 91.

By the way, CA GOATists, great job in 2018 not electing the 52 year old and much more progressive Kevin De Leon in the runoff, and instead sticking with this fucking fossil.