The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I’ve never understood why people think that the dems or or repubs have these secret internal polls that provide them great wisdom the rest of us don’t have. Like, I get that internal polls are a thing, but it’s not like they’re any more accurate than public polls. They’re probably less accurate. 538 currently has them 60/40 to lose the senate. That’s probably accurate if all ballots were actually counted, which is probably not happening.

internal polling is irrelevant with the ramming, they understand basic politics, when you have the votes, do it ASAP.

Also internals are typically skewed several points in favor of them (r or d internals either way), and a lot of them are getting released and posted and people taking it without that adjustment.

This upcoming SCOTUS fight my guess makes north states a little bluer, south states a little redder. PA will have issues with ballots counting so ???



oh ok

The problem is it’s pretty rare for the GOP to ever have the presidency and not the Senate, and pretty common for the inverse. Hence we get our ass kicked if we take this line. Never mind the age of the remaining justices.

Yeah if they strike down the entire ACA they’re going to have 30M very pissed off Americans. After a few cycles of neither side getting shit done, the progressives would take over the party, assuming we were still doing elections and all.

Correct. The GOP made up a new rule in 2016 which was bullshit. In February, no less. Now it’s far closer to the election and (no surprise of course) they’re just like yeah whatever fuck off with your norms.

Also Obama purposely picked an old and moderate nominee because of the situation, which was extremely respecting of bipartisanship and norms, and incredibly weak on his part.

The one thing is that it shouldn’t be rushed to slam it through before 11/3, and if it’s not through yet and Dems take the WH and/or Senate, then pushing it through is even more contentious. I’m not sure how that would have played out under old fashioned norms.

They figured out the GTO strategy as a rural minority party that mostly wants to block progress.

Yeah this is the new norm.

Who’s going to stop them? Are you going to raise up an army? Go protest?

“The American people voted us into office to protect their freedom and rights from a radical socialist takeover and abortion on demand.”

American Samoa is 1% white. Dem governor and Lt Gov, Republican house delegate - but she doesn’t have any direct power. I’m guessing that if the GOP added American Samoa it would blow up in their face within a few cycles.

I give it two weeks before the GOP decides unilaterally that this rule isn’t actually a rule that must be followed.

What could go wrong?

LOL fuck you.

Brett, Neil, Samuel, John and an asshole to be named later

Better pack it first…

I find this really interesting. Have you spent your whole life in Canada or did you live in the US for a while? Do you just find American politics interesting? Although I’m sure they have a significant impact on Canada, surely not more than Canadian politics.

I could see this hypothetically being a win-win, at least economically. It would depend upon the US being governed rationally and with a strong social safety net. But I’d have to think about it more. Of course only if the countries in question wanted it. I’m not saying we should invade Haiti or the Bahamas.

I like where your heads at.

I’m sure they had very detailed polling on the impact of this confirmation decision almost immediately and specifically for Maine, Colorado, SC, etc.

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Let me guess, the GOP got 90% of what it wanted and Dems got to avoid having to cave and give up 90% of what the GOP wanted to save children’s healthcare?

I don’t think people should be surprised about any of these donks moving to confirm. That is in line with the vast majority of historical precedent, right? Dems got worked with Garland but I don’t know why anyone is acting surprised pikachu that Rs are hypocrites, it’s their only core value.

I definitely get it and felt the same the night of RBGs death, but thinking about it a little more and it’s like duh


Canadian born and raised. Never lived elsewhere.

I would also consider myself very knowledgeable about Canadian politics. It’s just that our Supreme Court isn’t political. It’s rarely if ever discussed in the news and never among citizens. I know a fair amount about famous decisions regarding pipelines and First Nations (due to my work) but can’t name them.

In general, Canada is a far less political place than the US. As I’ve said in the past, your endless elections are a huge negative to social cohesion. In Canada, our elections last a few months where politics rises to the surface but after that it fades. In general, at parties Canadian politics rarely comes up. If we are discussing politics it’s American, not Canadian.


I guess we finally discovered the GOP’s single-point party platform.

  • Increase the party’s political power regardless of the constitution of the votes that empower them

Basically what I was thinking - like in a movie you’re alone with the killer and you say “I’m going to the cops!” Maybe don’t play that whole hand face up.

“The senator from the great state of Little St. James, Mr. Clinton, is recognized.”

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I’m planning to be much nicer on the internet from now on, so I’m just going to suggest that I don’t think laws criminalizing advocacy for boycotting Israel should just be described as support for Israel. The law was disgusting and Trumpishly fascistic.


Any chance some of you could cease with the “America is a shithole” schtick? Shit is getting really old.

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Whoever changed this thread title is playing with fire.

How fucking dumb do you have to be to proudly post on Twitter how McConnell owned your soul

I agree. But I also know we want to hear it because we want to actually think the Dems might finally fight back.

He’s not, he’s pointing out that even when trying to be moderate and offer up an olive branch, McConnell and the GOP went full obstruction.

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Obama was a bad President, sorry but it’s true. Great guy, great at campaigning and getting elected, woat at wielding power.


Yea this sounds correct.