or this
It’s a terrible plan to offer half measures to a group that fully intends to do everything in its power to seize power. The only winning play is tit-for-tat oneupmanship until they cry uncle.
So what will actually happen is DC and Puerto Rico won’t become states, but Texas and Florida will split up. Or that might be hard to gerrymander. Maybe they just split Wyoming into four states for maximum FU.
Isn’t splitting states harder to do?
He claims to be following the precedent that doesn’t exist. Not sure if he’s lying or stupid but I’d guess the former. Edit: His next tweet was about the national debt as a % of GDP and how we need to get our fiscal house in order so he might actually be simple.
The last time a GOP Senate confirmed a Dem President nominee was 1895.
We have no reason to think they will confirm a Dem nominee no matter how far before election.
Id consider myself pretty tuned in politically and I can’t name one! 🤷🏼😞
Sad thing is i can easily name all nine (eight now I guess) in the US. I’m a bad Canadian.
It might be simpler to divide US#192 into 3 countries - and keep the states as they are - NW America, NE America and the shithole America in between.
The endgame is that we start annexing more Caribbean islands just to turn them into states.
They should keep a tiny sliver of actual residences in DC, enough to guarantee the three electoral votes go the right way.
5 minutes after this passes:By a ruling of 6 to 3 the Supreme Court has ruled this unconstitutional under the precedent “fuck u stop me”
Fuck Mitt Romney.
I feel like an idiot for ever thinking he had a shred of decency.
Realistically this was over when Lindsey Graham announced his intentions. He was probably the tipping point senator.
Strong support of Israel historically was a pretty liberal position. Republicans just co-opted it.
Hillary got 90% of the DC vote in 2016 and Biden will probably pull a similar number. Unless the new state consisted only of Stephen Miller’s condo you’d be hard pressed to draw a map that Republicans would win.
[Now the Republicans are going to grant statehood just to Stephen and Katie Miller, aren’t they?]
Are you kidding me? Harriet Miers would be a fucking godsend compared to his list AINEC.